- When in a solo shuffle where a player leaves, the players in the group with negative or equal win/loss will no longer lose MMR or Rating
- Leavers will now have 150 rating loss + 30 minute ban across ALL characters, stacking up to 10 times. this stack will be reset if the player does not leave a shuffle for 24 hours.
- Solo Random Battleground que has been added.
- Group Random Battleground has had it’s 5 player cap limit removed.
- Groups queuing with 5 or more players will be exclusively ques against teams of 5 or more players.
- Teleportation spells can no longer be used whilst carrying a flag or orb
- mobility spells that induce Travel such as Roll, Blink, Heroic Leap have all had the range reduced by 50% when carrying a flag or orb
- Healers no longer gain benefit from the flag buff when Tanks are not present.
- Temple of Kotmogu has been removed from the playlist.
- Forged Aspirant Gear now has an item level of 636 PVP up from 626. This means Aspirant to Gladiator gear is 3 item levels not 13 item levels.
2400 title changes for Arena
- 2v2: Arena Champion
- 3v3: Gladiator
- Shuffle: Elite
- Blitz: Sky Marshal (Alliance) / Grand Warlord (Horde)
- RBG: Hero
Rank 1 Title changes for Arena (current season idea)
- 2v2: Forged Champion
- 3v3: Forged Gladiator
- Shuffle: Forged Elite
- Blitz: Forged Marshal / Forged Warlord
- RBG: Hero of the Alliance/Horde
Transmog Elite Colour
- 2v2 1800 - Red and Gold (Example)
- 3v3 1800 - Red and Black (Example)
- Shuffle 1800 - Blue and Gold (Example)
- Blitz 1800 - Blue and Black
- RBG 1800 - Black and Gold.
The colors of transmog are just ideas, and the Titles are ideas to give them separate rewards to help people want to play them.