PVP Changes that every body wants and will make the game 10x better


  • When in a solo shuffle where a player leaves, the players in the group with negative or equal win/loss will no longer lose MMR or Rating
  • Leavers will now have 150 rating loss + 30 minute ban across ALL characters, stacking up to 10 times. this stack will be reset if the player does not leave a shuffle for 24 hours.


  • Solo Random Battleground que has been added.
  • Group Random Battleground has had it’s 5 player cap limit removed.
  • Groups queuing with 5 or more players will be exclusively ques against teams of 5 or more players.


  • Teleportation spells can no longer be used whilst carrying a flag or orb
  • mobility spells that induce Travel such as Roll, Blink, Heroic Leap have all had the range reduced by 50% when carrying a flag or orb
  • Healers no longer gain benefit from the flag buff when Tanks are not present.
  • Temple of Kotmogu has been removed from the playlist.


  • Forged Aspirant Gear now has an item level of 636 PVP up from 626. This means Aspirant to Gladiator gear is 3 item levels not 13 item levels.

2400 title changes for Arena

  • 2v2: Arena Champion
  • 3v3: Gladiator
  • Shuffle: Elite
  • Blitz: Sky Marshal (Alliance) / Grand Warlord (Horde)
  • RBG: Hero

Rank 1 Title changes for Arena (current season idea)

  • 2v2: Forged Champion
  • 3v3: Forged Gladiator
  • Shuffle: Forged Elite
  • Blitz: Forged Marshal / Forged Warlord
  • RBG: Hero of the Alliance/Horde

Transmog Elite Colour

  • 2v2 1800 - Red and Gold (Example)
  • 3v3 1800 - Red and Black (Example)
  • Shuffle 1800 - Blue and Gold (Example)
  • Blitz 1800 - Blue and Black
  • RBG 1800 - Black and Gold.

The colors of transmog are just ideas, and the Titles are ideas to give them separate rewards to help people want to play them.

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Who cares about this lol

Seems silly, every class should have its role in doing something

Some should always be better at different jobs

How is “Elite” better than “Legend”?

All cool ideas here

How about elite sets which actually require an elite rating and are unique instead of beeing a recolor of the pve sets.

Remove dampening. Disable drinking in arenas. Healers oroblem solved.

So basically Rsham/rdruid lose and other win… Ain’t going anywhere at all.

Also you won’t be able to kill anything every spec in the game got absorb/self heal, legit immortal without damp.

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