PvP changes/hotfix

Stolen from NA forums

AUGUST 30, 2021


  • [With regional restarts] Condensed Anima Sphere (Conduit) effectiveness reduced by 50% in PvP combat for all classes.
  • Death Knight
    • Unholy
      • Fixed an issue where Defile (Talent) would activate Kevin’s Oozeling (Necrolord Soulbind).
  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • [With regional restarts] Mana regeneration reduced by 60% in PvP combat (was 55%).
  • Monk
    • Fixed an issue where Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability) caused Kevin’s Oozeling (Necrolord Soulbind) to stay too long.
  • Shaman
    • Restoration
      • [With regional restarts] Mana regeneration reduced by 55% in PvP combat (was 50%).

[With regional restarts] Shard of Kyr effectiveness reduced by 75% in PvP combat (was 50%).

no damage nerf?

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Those ‘‘hotfixes’’ are really confident i expected some major nerfs

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PvP is fixed that’s it


Blizzard trolling as always


they just dont understand their game.

rdruids mana is already bad but they can drink whenever they want. nerfing mana reg to 0 wont even change anything.


Especially not if ur a nelf :smiley:

They just lack basic understanding of the game.

They basically don’t nerf damage when they think the games last too long and that is what they obviously think, as they nerfed healing conduits and mana generation.

But I agree, it’s questionable why a rshaman can deal so much damage, especially when playing with a tanky class.

It changes that they need to drink more often, no?

Uhh… why? This was one of the conduits that made it a bit more bearable to play against BMs and Warriors. Do they want everyone to play the same spec or something?

Hhh nice joke blizz

I don’t even understand why they buff shaman mana reg in pvp.

Resto sham can go aggresive because of stupid earth golem damage.
They can put slightly more pressure because of wind shear/hex.
Riptide is instant, heals way too much for no mana cost …

Riptide only heals for good amounts when restos buff its effectivity with 2 things (Unleash Life and Swirling Currents Conduit) Both of these are limited in their availability (Unleash Life has a cd. Swirling Currents requires placing of Healing Stream Totem, also has a cd) They would have to target one of these two things.

It’s a nerf by the way.

Rdruid could’ve used a bit more, maybe hit thorns.

Still weird not to see any melee/spriest/mage/demolock/hunters on this list.

maybe a little bit, but since rdruids play comps where they can drink whenever they want, i think it will hardly change something, at least at awc level, but maybe i m wrong

just get bored watching druids go oom 20 times in a game.

nerf drinks in arena instead of mana reg. e.g. only allow 5 water or at least remove stealth drink or let hots keep you in combat or or or many possibilities i guess.
nerfing mana reg feels terrible in bgs

if you look at those changes you would think the game is perfect

that’s what the pvp staff is showing to their boss lol i bet noone at blizzard played arena since wod

That would reduce the skill cap, no? Because no matter how you argue, it takes more skill to actively reg mana instead of passively.

But overall they should remove both for rdruid in 2s. 50k mana, that’s it. Keep your mate alive with it or you lost the game.

at this point you see anything is intendet it is not an rpg or mmorpg

is is an pvpmmoarpg where you oneshott each other