Pvp Class Imbalance

Enhance dps was mediocre. Again, tank or bust. No one was looking to get any shaman to do anything but tank in P1. Whoever you bothered to ask lied to you.

Who gives a f if it’s 20% or 30%, it’s too much and there is no way to find out easy(thanks devs) no tooltip or anything. I and a few other healers that I talked to estimate it at 20%)based off details data. Show proof that it is 30% or shut it.

Tanking a few melee you say. AGAIN, TAKE YOUR MEDS.

Quote me even once where I said shamans are weak or pathetic. You can’t find it because I never claimed it. I just argued against re***ds like you who claim the most degenerate wild :poop: about a class they clearly know nothing about.

SHAMANS ARE AMONG THE BEST AND SO ARE PALADINS. There I said something you will never be able to you whiney piece of :poop:.

I do more than fine, I don’t have 1k posts of being a pathetic whiney little b***h. I don’t ask for 3 min cd on bubble. Take a hike loser.

I go further even, I don’t care to ask for buffs or nerfs in a seasonal server to issues that plagued this game for expansions. I’m not the absolute moron that joined SoD for balanced PvP when the mission statement of SoD implied otherwise.

I want fresh new content and want the devs to focus on that instead of wasting time listening to howling lunatics like you.

You want balanced PvP? Go play Cata or Live or whatever the f else. Give SoD some rest already. You clearly can’t manage, other paladins seem to do more than fine.

Then you haven’t attempted Elemental, that was peak unviable. Enhance as a DPS was at least fine to play.

Or DPS when you had a metalock? Yes they could DPS but you are in denial, shocking to believe there were shaman DPS players on enhance.

posts from Kaivax if you wanna use the search engine with filters to SoD forums and “healing reduction”
3rd of May this year: 20%
10th of May: up to 30%
nochanges ever since.

damage reductions
3rd of May: 20% Physical / 30% Magical
24th of September: 30% Physical / 40% Magical

If anything there’s toomuch damage reduction for DPS compared to healing output, all what it does is basically just increases fight lengths for no good reason and buffing healers. (easiest role in the game if you play any healer BUT paladin)

You first, actual cope.

Your posts got the intention of convincing people to believe shamans ain’t op compared to paladins.

Tough statement from an insecure clown, except that people have been consistent about shamans needing to be nerfed again rather than getting buffed because of some stupid reason aka favortism. Go look at the US forums, the cope is unreal about shamans being more than balanced when the reality hits different.

Nobody wants to listen to the shamans asking for buffs so they can return to a very dominant position (which they still got since P2).

169 posts of whining differently. Hilarious.

save this quote, finally he admits.

and here he ruins it, not even top 3 with hunters/shamans/druids and you say paladins are up there too with the most outrageous weaknesses. go troll someone else.

Paladins… outrageous weaknesses. The only outrageous weakness paladins have is to count you as a player of the class.

Keep asking for lower cd on Divine Shield you big PvP boss man, and other ridiculous stuff.
And supposedly I am the one coping :roll_eyes: :rofl:… Keep whining fool.

i hear 50% damage reduction has been added to paladin bubble.

is this true?

can you confirm?

nevermind, bluepost confirmed it.
positive energy.

So what you are saying is that, if they manage to get that gear, they should be allowed to absolutely dominate?

Im saying it takes some effort to get there, its not so easy as you think

So still what you are saying is that any paladin who manages to go the path of gearing should be allowed to be miles over everyone else, who also want that path to gear up just the same?

Why on earth do you people respond to Wave?

Just ignore him, and report every post he makes. Hes either a troll, or completely clueless in nearly every post.


Kinda like every pro shaman guy, exept he does the same for paladin?

Lets just hope they let pallies transfer t1 bonuses over to t2.5 xD Or those OP paladins gone be at the bottom very soon

Because you abuse the system doesn’t make my posts whatever you describe lol.

Horde will still whine about “how OP paladin” is due to the massive skill issues on there. You rolled horde to eat dirt tbh whilst relying on the racials that carry you against the two most common sources of CC being Fear/Stun.

Look through the post history of this mental patient (I know, big ask) and find me a single post where he acknowledges paladins having a single area where they can be considered strong. You won’t find it.

Where is the “every” shaman player on this forum claiming equally absurd :poop: as this guy?

As soon as any topic on this forum barely even touches the idea of paladins needing a look at the is in there writing essays about how bad paladins have it and how much worse other classes are.

There really is no bigger cope fiend and whiner on this forum than Wavé.

You describing yourself everytime without fail, good job Copor.

What am I coping about? Keep asking for buffs bud, paladin is too weak clearly :roll_eyes:. You need all the help you can get :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :roll_eyes:.

At this point your are poking holes in yourself to increase the level of copium intake. Fool.

Hey Tagor, paladins need to gear up to do damage!! Wavé himself said that!

So buff paladins asap! Cause the green and blue geared ones are not doing well in PvP!

Oh yea and shamans can solo rank 10 geared characters with the level 50 pvp set :rofl:.

Wolves can solo characters and as a shaman you never have to cast heals to keep yourself or others alive. Just ask Wavé.

Meanwhile my 12k hp char melts while chain stunned by just about any combination of 2 geared dps classes(so much for hardiness making you “immune” to stuns).

This guy is either playing with no gear against shamans(himself claims earth shield and riptide cancel his entire damage lmao) or he is the worst player out there.

It’s almost as if SoD PvP is a :poop:-show but somehow his class should get preferential treatment.

Paladins should really get buffed. Shockadins can’t heal and dps at the same time!!

I would love if wavé would stream a bg for us

Not going to happen lmao. I have a feeling though he does just fine, Paladin is no mage or rogue to play exactly, he just claims these absurdities for some other reason, lack of attention, bias, who knows with this guy.

If you check or remember his post history back in the early phases rogues were his bane(as a dwarf paladin LMAO). Even resto shamans (RESTORATION!!!) :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: were his bane at some point.

Moron, you say I have never stated paladins are strong?
I have stated it already in the past you couldnt be bothered to look it up and wouldn’t. That is why you have been coping about that fact so hard.

Paladin gets nerfed across the board with bubble whilst shamans still got all their fun tools in PvP. Something you couldn’t even notice.
Shamans are after all the “nerfs” (LOL):
Still wolves
Still Rage
Still AE dot
Still AE chain
Still low cd escape
Still low cd saves
Still raid Melter freecast
But hey Bubble is a bigger problem than a class that does all that whilst having either 25% stunres ontop of grounding/decoy or increased HP. You are truly coping that shamans are fine.

What are you , level 20? Wolves hit for like 60 damage and have 3k hp they aren’t soloing sh*t

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