Pvp Class Imbalance

Now that we’ve seen that the dev can disable runes in pvp can we please have a omega nerf of all sham/pal/hunt runes that are beyond broken atm?

disable trap launcher/chimera shot in pvp , disable the flame head rune for shaman , disable the wings and horse in pvp for pals/ war grab/ giga nerf exorcism aswell

Blizz just buffed hunter’s (trap doesnt need to trigger for lock and load) so I highly doubt it

“And then we, doubled it”.

Yes, hunters even more deadly now :rofl: now we get nuked while running into the trap, great fun!!!

i mean they buffed boomy into a triple nerf , i sure hope we’ll see the same for Hunt/pal/sham

nice to know. Maybe they will be nerfed a month or two before sod is done :smiley:

You think that’s the only issue with shamans?
The Cloak runes are pretty busted as well, 60% more dot damage and your earthbind roots people isn’t something to overlook or the fact that wolves can solo people and provide heals/stuns/more mobility towards the caster.
Riptide/ES are insane solo heal potential combined with Power Surge you get CH procs for free and you can sustain people without ever having to cast LW or LHW.
Shamanistic Rage is busted, it provides a damage reduction like Barkskin and in addition restores mana. Shamans do not have a mana issue period.

Meanwhile asking for nerfs towards a class that has to gear like a glass cannon in form of a ret or be heavily gear dependent as a shockadin.
There are mana problems and healing problems for ret regardless of what you rune into or not. Mobility from that horse might as well not exist, because any cast you do literally removes your horse that doesn’t even last as long as a sprint or even shadowstep for that matter.
Paladin STILL has the worst mobility and people STILL consider paladin OP.

Nobody serious enough is scared of a ret or shockadin, everyone is terrified of a shaman and boomies to begin with.

Tauren Druids are the biggest winners in the Druid v Druid matchup, more HP more for FR to heal for. Warstomp is a bonus. NE only wins if luck and ranged, that’s it.

Shamans just clown on a vast majority with an overtuned toolkit and insane CDs that most other classes cannot even comprehend to imagine.

Horde wins a majority of PvP battles (1vX / grp PvP / premades) and it ain’t even close, you have absolutely 0 rights to complain about paladins when your racials are utterly busted with a broken class to combo with.
If you picked in P1 horde and play orc / UD / tauren (druid/shaman) for PvP reasons, you simply need to get good whenever you think about having “nerf paladin” or “anything else alliance “OP”” thoughts. Bubble can be played around and more. Good players on any class can do that, even mages and locks.


i mean hunt/pal/sham are so above any other classes that it’s pretty ridiculous , which runes would you like to see them nerf then ?

because you’ve to admit that shockadin/ret / range hunter / sham elemental are pretty absurd at the moment.

i’d even say they should remove mortal strike as it is way too strong in pvp atm.

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respond to the paladin part in my post, they are noway as ridiculous as shamans consistently facetanking 2-3 physical DPS or having a pretty good anti-caster tool kit ontop of that.

Decoys buff needs to be removed when the totem dies, period. Treat it as a grounding totem, no totem no buff/effect.
SR needs a longer CD or lesser damage reduction.
StormEarthFire needs a shorter root duration.
Burn needs to be tuned down to 125% intellect scaling, 150% is basically telling shamans to get level 50 PvP gear and smash a majority of people that have r10 gear or better.

Lonewolf needs to be nerfed if hunters just have to place traps for procs, there’s a lot of damage from them alone.

Paladin in current state doesn’t need nerfs, a CD dependent class with heavy gear limitations in PvP similar to rogue shouldn’t get nerfed because they put time and effort into the game. Classes that don’t have such barriers need to be looked at and be adjusted accordingly. Boomies, shamans and hunters don’t need much gear to be insane in PvP and they know it.
Pally mobility needs to change desperately, this horse is omega grief and nobody likes it.

You are the biggest clown who has been on this forum.

Imagine saying that the paladin has to gear up to do damage :joy::joy:

Imagine saying that horde wins most team encounters. When in reality you see paladins who operate like brooms, brushing the horde miles around

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And here’s the circus, thank you for bringing it.

A low geared melee / ret or rogue or warrior is not gonna GCD people into GY camping.
A low geared ranged / ele or hunter or boomie is gonna be more useful then anything else.

You can’t play shockadin without ZG set, your damage would tickle people into laughing at you. That’s a heavy price to pay in either gold or time.
That power is justified in return. Horde feels like it is broken yet it is more justified than having shamans with bad gear just beat a majority of classes just because overtunement on runes and abilities.

General coverage against fears and stuns beats anything that alliance got.
Shadowmeld is literally useless in a teamfight,
Stoneform is useful against one class only, rogue and even then it is only for Blinds.
Perception again for rogues and the occasional druid.
Escape Artist has a casttime with pushback problems and roots aren’t as much as a RNG stun or the fears. Besides in this burst meta it is almost laughable.

Shamans carry on both offheal end and with aoe flameshocks that cleanup a majority of players in fights. Grounding/Decoy exists just for the sake of it and SR is busted.
Paladins hard cast every heal outside of Holy Shock, anyone who can press a kick is gonna invalidate paladins healing until you won the fight.
Rets get eaten up by any ranged in a team fight if they are the sole ones doing the work on healers.

All OP classes should be nerfed you abnormal, and paladin is one of the OP classes.

All classes specs have some gear they need to make things work from zg.

And all classes need gear to do well…

You are talking so much rubbish that it’s unbelievable.

You are all the time talking to make shockadin seem like a weakling. Most likely it is cause you wanna enjoy it more.

Look at fights in AB and tell me that paladin, Ret or shockadin isn’t the best front classes to have with you.


And howmany of those specs can use it in PvP?
Shockadin, Dagger Rogues, Demolock, Frost Mages and Balance are the only classes that actively use the ZG set in one way or another.
The other sets are mostly a joke to start with, as ele you would only use the trinket in PvE only.

Needing and having it suggested are two different things, the FoTM ranged classes hardly need any to be effective due to:

The difference an upgrade does for those classes is minimal compared to melee classes whos gameplay actively changes to be somewhat competitive in PvP. But it’s okay, you play a lock you couldn’t possibly understand gear scaling/upgrades on melee.
Here’s an example, if Rets use libram of plenty (15% mana return per crusader strike) they can ditch this dreaded rune of Guarded by the Light (5% mana per 3s with -50% healing output) and go for Art of War (more damage) or Sacred Shield (more heals).

No, making more sense than a majority of horde players who simply cope with the fact that shamans are anything but OP/broken in PvP.

Except that it still does have more severe weaknesses than Shaman. A fact you and yours still deny lmao.

Except that EleWarden/Shamans and Warriors can stop them if played proper, especially if they know that they can pressure the paladins out. Any power surge LB proc not used on a ret is simply ineffective DPS.

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Do you even play the game anymore? I honestly haven’t seen you once in months of queuing bgs.

lying trash

More lying garbage, also clueless, power surge makes chain heal instant, it still costs mana. As for the second part, that you can keep people up with just ES and ripdite and a 5% proc… you are nuts, no idea what this vendetta against shamans is on your part but at least, at least try to be a tiny bit credible when lying.

Try play a shaman and not press your shamanistic rage, see how playable the class is - any role: dps, heal, tank, go ahead.

And fyi, shamans still run out of mana even with “no mana issues” spell that is SR. Imagine that.

What a surprise, the paladins are no issue. The class that can turn immune to everything and deal ~9k in a 6 sec stun is suddenly ok. Sure thing guy :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

This f’ing guy… try to play a healer with no cc and very limited immunity to spell pushback and then come and cry to us all the rivers in the world you want. If you can’t find a way to heal in PvP as a paladin(even ret) is because you are terrible, other paladins manage it just fine.

I swear you must be such a clown to still be whining about the same :poop: you were 4 months ago even when some things like healing are nerfed by ~70% in PvP.

You must be playing with your feet to still struggle against shaman healing. Your damage in PvP is either abysmal(somehow) or you are lying.

Found another “treasure”. This guy man… Quit playing SoD already if you think paladin is this bad. You have no idea wtflying F you are doing it seems.

You are out of your mind if you think the horse cd is bad or it doesn’t help with mobility.

I don’t know what the devs could do to please you, give you the ability to fly on a 10 second cooldown, probably.

Oh the shaman ape is back.

Did que last week for AB. Toobad I finished that grind in that sitting so I didn’t had to own FoTM players like yourself.

Basically shaman copers the entirety of SoD, good description.

Literally most BGs shamans heal with those 2 spells for a majority, #1 and #2 top heal spells there.
People are fed up with shamans coping so hard after having blizz bend over for y’all every phase if anything. Mana is not a concern for shamans at all, you can regain mana at any given time without having to enter combat.
FoTM player doesn’t like what people think about his class so he is coping once more. Jesus Christ FoTM players are TRULY garbage

Not a problem at all, any spec of ele will have clear casting, put 2pc ele t2 on and congratz, your damage spells do not eat mana at all and thus you barely run oom.

Druid? Oh wait roots on demand through NG. Shamans can slow. Garbage FoTM player.

lol, are you trolling or coping, cant even tell at this point.

With MS on whatever target? Yes. Without? What are you talking garbage again?

And you have no clue what you have been talking about the entire time, go quit.

Play it then or shut up. It is quite simple.

FotM player… take a hike my guy, this has been my main since p1. Back when it was tank or bust. I know you and your ilk pretend shaman has been the bomb at everything since P1 but you don’t know :poop:. Resto came online for example alll the way in P3 FYI and I stuck through all of it. FotM… do you even know the meaning of those words?

Guy, you are insane, take your meds and quit this game it’s bad for you. You are playing one of the strongest classes right now and whining as if you are playing a warrior.

You are nuts. Slow… In SoD… What slow will allow you to get a heal off, truly mental.

Here’s a hint: Hammer of Justice, Repentance, Divine Shield.

Moron, those heals have been nerfed by 50%, 20% from PvP aura. MS isn’t even taken into account.

Goes to show how much you play. A heal that ticks for ~300 and ~100 is supposedly canceling your damage. That says more about your damage than anything else.

TAKE THIS ADVICE: You are insane, stop playing SoD if you think paladin is weak. Nothing, ever, that the devs will do, will help you, if you can’t manage as a paladin right now. Nothing.

Good joke, a ret in pvp gear does maybe 25% of the dmg a pve geared ret in 6 part T2 with T1 bonus.

A ret need alot of gear to be the bulldozer that clap ppl in 2-3 gcd’s


*Enhance or bust, jesus get it right at the least if you even dare to claim this was your “main since P1”.

You mean the 4th strongest after Boomies/Shamans/Hunters? Shamans have always been strong since P2. Paladin has been mediocre in P2 up to P4 where we could actually play the game without getting kited or outranged.

You literally talk as if you had a clue about paladin, yet everytime you yap you fall flat. Literal cope to believe shaman is worse than paladin in this current phase.

Currently it is 30% healing reduction, do you even play this game clown, no you don’t but you would spread your troll posts and false info as if it was the reality. Wake up to the reality that is here and now, always has been 30% reduction and a majority of classes spam more defensives than “OP class paladin”.

HoJ if it ever lands on orcs would be great, and if they even notice you healing whilst bubble is on CD they will trinket/LIP/FAP without fail just to kill you.
Healing in rets toolkit is literal :poop:.
Bubble you have to choose if you pressure or heal, can’t do both.

And more clownery and just straightup lies here, with current healing reduction of 30% riptide still heals for ~600 and ticks for ~140 every 6s. ES does ~455 per trigger with current reduction. SR adds more EHP for anyone to burst through whilst they still heal with instant casts + negate damage completely by grounding and decoy.
The coping insanity is absolutely real to even believe this is fair whilst tanking a few melee chars like warriors/rogues/ferals/rets.

TAKE THIS ADVICE: You are coping, stop playing SoD if you believe Paladins are OP whilst shamans are pathetic. No action or change from the dev end will change your personal pathetic performance.