Pvp classes that benefit more from power infusion

so they like a lost the haste buff.

Any ideas?

warlocks, specifically affliction and destro. mages. ele. basically insane for most casters

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I’ve noticed in RSS when I’m with a Ret, DH, Aff lock and Enh Shaman, doubling up with PI on their main CD just throws their damage up to insane levels.

I’ve tired on every class I’ve played with and you can see an increase in most but, those are classes you can really see a noticible increase when used on them.

Almost every DPS benefits a lot from PI

the only exceptions are the classes with fixed GCDs who do not take any or take very little haste - Sub rogue, Windwalker

Monk has its own self PI with alpha tiger anyway and if you PI a Sub Rogue they might not be used to the globals and leave a gap in their stuns or overlap the next stun too fast

if you have a caster and a melee, it’s better to PI the caster usually

if you have 2 casters, PI the one who you think won’t be the kill target

if you have 2 melees, PI the one which benefits more or does more overall dps as a class > say you have ret and warrior, PI the ret

Unholy DK benefits a gross amount from PI. Probably the most of any melee. Everyone likes faster globals, but Unholy is always global starved. Not only that but 20% haste = 20% faster rune recharge which is also a lot more damage

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MM hunter with Trueshot up. Unmatched. Priests, learn this please.

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What are you talking about ? You even said yourself one line above “classes with fixed GCD like Rogue” and suddenly Rogue GCD is modified by PI ?

You alright ?

Rogue on all specs, WW and Feral (only Cat Form spells though) GCDs are not affected by Haste. They are 1s period (or 0.8s if AR is up for Outlaw, that’s the only exception).

Feral bleeds tick faster in PI, was Really op in Season 1, but now since Bleeds do not that high amount of Dmg, priest rather to give the other Dps PI, so yep Pi on Ww and Feral is useless currently


what does it mean with trueshot up?

It is their big offensive CD. Makes their casts much faster. So he means when that cooldown is active, ongoing. PI on top of it.