Hello everyone
I’ve done a couple of RBG’s and I started with the team a community.
Why? Cause there’s not a lot of PvP going on anymore (sadly), all the PvPers are spread out on different servers. But if we could merge them in one community we can build a big and epic PvP community.
The goal of the community is to find a BG Premade/Arena Partners/RBG group fast. It will work like a xrealm PvP guild.
We will be planning RBG night’s and PvP nights etc… Our first RBG night will be 26th of April 20pm server time.
Feel free to join or ask me for more information! We’re also looking for people who would like to lead an RBG team, Target caller’s and so on!
Link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/Za77aGIg2X?region=EU&faction=Horde
Dear regards,