Great so my dots will tickle people again while Spriests and shamans will still do insane damage
What is that joke?
Sorry brothers if no time to heal you after this bad test.
I will full DPS.
This is absurd.
As a shaman main I would like to see shaman nerfs in PvP. We are simply too strong in comparison with other pvp specs.
I face shamans myself in STV and boy what a ride.
Much can be said about Boomie, sp and rogue pvp wise, but I focus in the class I play.
My enhance can die, sure, but in comparison with other classes it’s a hero spec.
My elemental shaman dominates if left alone to cast spells, I love getting jumped by a rogue because then I have to fight or rely on some RNG with my lavabursts.
Tldr: please consider a nerf to my shamans.
This is wrong, all this mess is happening because they try to listen the players and they messing up everything. Its impossible to make everyone happy, i want to enjoy the game as the developers want it to be not as the customers.
Do you know why phase 1 was the best? Because it was created by developers ideas only, after that all the genius crying on forums, youtube etc. for stupid ideas and changes, developers listen to them and they ended up with a messed up game.
Wow classic is great and created by pro developers with ideas as you said.
Is there a class balance? No… why players cry for class balance in sod?
Is there a solo q and group q system for bg? No… Why players cry for solo q only?
Is there a resilience or any other dmg and healing reduction system? No… But players here in sod always asks for such things
Is there a convenient way to level up mains and alts? No… But in sod players cry cos they have no time to grind and lvl up alts
So the real problem here is: developers are listening players a lot and there ideas lost somewhere around community’s tears
No, they don’t listen the players which giving them examples and facts, they listening the crybabies.
this is pretty tiresome… was hoping for a closing of the tests this weekend.
last test was more or less fine tbh. healing felt impactful (a bit on the weaker side though, constantly drinking after every fight because every heal, heals for less but costs the same amount of mana) and damage was obviously where it needs to be as well.
now you add on an extra healing nerf because…??
should have kept the previous values (maybe made physical = 20% and magic = 20% and left healing untouched - people can learn to use wound poisons or mortal strikes if they want to deal with healing).
you’re literally adding a permanent mini mortal strike across the board like dude thats just terrible in every way.
are you trying to get healers to go dps? because this is how you get all healers to go dps.
the first thing i did after the previous test was concluded and we went back to the 1-shot meta was spec away from disc and just melt people as shadow.
the amount of healers joining bg was significantly reduced then the test went offline.
now you’re essentially adding the exact same thing, but with further nerf to global heals… LOL…
for reference, during the previous test i could just barely get by as a healer… constant oom every fight, and i could only keep people alive if i absolutely spammed all my high impact abilities on them, so many times i had to clutch powerword shield just to keep someone from dying long enough so i could get a strong heal off.
forget trying to use spells like greater heal. target dies midcast more then 70% of the time.
paladins need nerf before any of those u wrote down, funny guy xD, and u dont even mention hunters who are even stronger
fake shaman player confirmed, u prolly never even touched pvp
Once you guys trinket the trap, hunter is gg, if you struggle killing a hunter 1v1 is probably a skill issue, prove me wrong
Se we healers will be more squishy than without pvp aura. Great XD
But you know what they can do!? They can say no were not doing it . But the sheep they are there like yes okay we can develop 5 games at once in a 3 man team
hunters blow compared to the specs i listed, change my mind.
only damage and CC, no healing. and MM has the most disgusting weakness:
getting meleed/deadzoned, with no mobility whatsoever. (cheetah is a selfgrief)
In fact, nerf every class in game except mine, please. Also, can we have a plan showing the next 3 or 4 ‘tests’ over the coming weeks.
Nerf rouges too, they are always under the radar for some reason. It’s no fun to get attacked by a rouge and he 100 to 0 you while being unable to do anything back. Rouges have too much control.
Went well??? Lol
Do you also think that the Titanic’s maiden voyage went well?
Balance is completly busted. Shamans are unkillable. Rogues still do too much damage. I can think of alot other stuff but i dont get paid to fix this game. At this point sod should just be free to play.
Content is awfull … epics dont feel special. Pve is boring. Gold inflation is out of control. You got runes that have destroyed the talant tree balance so some classes feel like they have 31 31 31 talant cough shamans.
Really its just been a disaster and im being kind.
Rogue’s class concept is just fitting in a long fight. This damage creepy fights are sometimes neglecting (fail) the concept and most of the the time it is overused (stun). Stun lock is 12-15 sec while fights are between 2 global or 5. lol
Exactly this - probably the best description you could use for PvP Shamans
Continuing the discussion from PvP Damage Reduction Test #2 - 3 May:
Yeah would be great if you will stop to understand everything literally. Hunter’s have no 5k dps, shamans have it in burst, I experienced that. If 4 hunter’s crit with Chimera 4 times - its gonna be 6k dps, so almost the same number. Can you do math before answer?
cata pvp hype