Pvp deamo warlock officially dead

after 1k+ games pvp deamo warlock officially dead! 2k max rating for non pro player
The lowest dps even on free cast. The lowest win rate! The biggest death rate!
Just a dead class.
Ty Blizzard for wasting time on this sht!!!
unplayable sht

Demo is ok and your main focus isn’t dealing the most damage.

Your role is to control the flow of the game. Unless you’re vs 2 melee then yeah demo is miserable

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which is definitely a very frequent situation, or a BM (or two) instead of the third melee :smiley:

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Well the problem is that all demons have cooldowns and restricted active time, between this you are dependent on castable shadow bolt and castable hand of guldan (which is joke for pvp). And as most classes have stuns, spell locks and others control spells, it is problem to do any damage. Even cast out demons is sometimes problem. I mean…demolonogy design is very bad for pvp, but cool for PVE

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Honestly, I don’t understand the fact that the demonology warlock has to control the arena. It’s a dps, in the game there are tanks, healers and dps. Especially in a game where dps does incredible damage, with elementals that are spaceships from a 90s arcade.

For me it’s not possible with the current speed and damage of the game. Furthermore, in 11.1 all three specs did not receive buffs of any kind, with only a few QOLs in the destruction and demonology talents, while some classes were continuously buffed. In the latest patch, tanks also received big buffs

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