PVP death knight going into new pvp season feels

thank you blizzard we are going into new pvp season like real garbage.


you have to understand that Death strike is nerfed for a reason, with the corruptions currently giving us 80% versa minimum a nerf had to be hotfixed in.

and no, bear druids using twilight devastation is balanced stop trying to shift blame away to how Much we need to be nerfed.

LIke come on, we healed so much with that versa corruption build, it needed to happen.

what do you mean BfA was 4 years ago? what? the nerf has been in the game since then and they havent bothered to scale it back proper? while also destroying our already bad defensives slowly over time? that’s impossible…why? how could they? if any other class like rogue or warrior got these amounts of unjustifiable targeted HATE nerfs there would be hell to pay!

I’m tired, so tired.

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i disagree with you, we are in pretty solid place right now

maybe will see. atm we seem solid. but with full gear we will see how we will perform, since ur tier is not something spacial like other classes. with full potetional!!! so take advadage of thouse 2-3 weeks. for ur solid DK

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you are right, currently i even questioning if the two set even worth for us at all

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Probably its not worth magus can make roughly 50k dmg on single target in that 10sec but legs and shoulders have haste and mastery so you will take it anyway because you need like 20%haste to be able to press anything.

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i have long wondered why it feels so weird to play DK sometimes with how the GCD functions, it’s almost as if every command you do is delayed for 0.5 seconds if you even have a single percentof haste below 20%, and above that you just go so fast you deplete runes anyway so downtime happens.

compared to say…a prot warrior where the GCD is always at super quick pacing and haste seems to not affect it im growing more and more angry at blizz

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Im sure they gona do something about that in next rework

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the next Shadowpriest or Paladin rework, yeah that sounds about right

i pay to play now, not next expation or hope to be good and 2 week after huge nerf.

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It sure feels bad playing frost but it’s how it is, every game in solo shuffle is vs locks and their gates counters our setup so big.


true frost is forgoten… only few 3s comp that all have to be for perfect goes. and all must be AWC xp to be viable. and this season with so much HP i think will not have damage to kill.

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