Pvp developers dont play pvp, change my mind. (most inflated pvp season)

Pvp blitz is a joke.

  1. you dont even lose rating, you can go up to 3.5k ratings without losing 1 rating cus system is designed in a way that even the most stupid person can reach 3k rating right now.
  2. it doesnt matter if you are multiple times rank1 or just started playing game last month, both of these people plays in same bracket and same rating, cus system is designed by stupid people.
  3. since losing rating is close to imposibble inflation of this season is i think highest wow ever seen ppl are at 3500 3600 ratings 2500 rating is like equal to 1400 rating in previous seasons.
  4. all of the achivments became meaningless cause even a person that started playing wow last month can become high warlord or grand marshal now in just like 2 weeks max.

Blitz is simply not pvp.
Blitz is like designed in way that where a noob can join and constantly get rating and think he is pvp god, and fun fact they can be rank1 if they keep playing it, you dont have to play good to rank up, you have to play alot and get carried and you can be rank1 on your spec easly, cause u simply dont lose rating.

i prbly have around 140 games lost prbly %40 of it DIDNT LOSE SINGLE DIGIT OF RATING.
2620 rating right now and i inspect people when im in games there are people which have 10-19 win lose scores and at 2400+ rating, i see warriors using agility weapons etc these people are clueless and started playing games recently why do you throw these people into our games? this is so RNG, a warrior that dont even know that warriors use STR is in 2400 games is crazy.

if you are clueless newbie or wow veteran but never been into pvp but always wanted rbg titles you can just que blitz get your 2400 elite titles and elite pennants and seasonal elite things in just 10-15 games jumping around, im not even kidding guys this is a once in a life time oportunity, que blitz and get everything pvp releated lol.


Still is 109x more fun to play blutz than sit 2 hours in que or lfg :rofl::v:


Pvp being centered around 3v3 and content being aimed at only “elite” players is one of the reasons why PVP has a lack of new players. Making the transmogs somewhat available at least gives the average player a reason to do BG Blitz.

If the blitz bracket wasn’t rewarding, less people would play it. Same goes if the rating was deflated and the elite mog unobtainable for the average player. No one is arguing that your titles from BG Blitz are on the same level as your arena titles.

So what’s the problem? If it is about prestige, people (who care about that) can check which bracket you got your titles from.


it kills pvp even more they are filling the lacking pvp playerbase with bunch of trash newbie clueless players…
system is kind of like okay so we dont have much playerbase doing pvp so lets make 8v8 games and only 1-2 ppl of that team should be high rank high rating ppl and fill the rest 6 spot with RNG garbage slots and expect these 2 ppl to carry them or sometimes even 1
so its basically 2v2 pvp player fighting againts with 12 clueless noobs. but these clueless noobs are SUCH A BIG RNG

do you play LOL? or DOTA? or anything competitive team based game? imagine a 5v5 competitive game where only u and 1 person in enemy at same rank and rest of the 8 people can be literally anything its RNG, would u enjoy this?

What are you on about?
Which players should they fill the game with? Should they find some pro players on fiver?
Chill out dude. The new clueless people is exactly what wow needs. Not more sweats.
It is because of sweaters that this game is ruined. Both PvP and PvE.


i been saying this for quite some time and ppl are flaming me ;D its true and thats a fact.
I never lost rating on to elite and just stoped there cuz it was a joke.

Who cares bro pvp been a joke for 15+ years.

The newbie players have been excluded from rated PvP in every season (I think SL had one inflated season), and as you yourself say, the playerbase is lacking.

This is a new, less elitist approach, to get players doing Rated PvP content. I get that “less good” players will have the same elite set as you, but honestly no one really cares. And the people that do can check that you got your elite set from a more prestigeous activities than BG blitz.

Yeah it is, but any content where the team is randomly assembled is bound to be. If you dislike that, it isn’t like Blizzard disabled normal RBGs and Arena.

I mostly play the BGs to have fun, not overanalyze who has what rating and who was the MVP of the battleground. Yes, it also annoys me when I see stuff like people in greens, but it is what it is and having some games is better than sitting in a queue.


You’re the reason PvP is lacking new players.


Post from your main character, let me see that 3500 rating you’re talking about.


Egzodya TN. Obvi he’s not 3.5, but he’s past elite, for once.

I still don’t get why do you care if someone else has high rank…
What if a noob has 2k mmr ? why does it bother you?
the problem with you is not the PvP it self but rather that you cannot gloat that you are a 3k mmr and rest are noob 1400 “scrubs”.
Frankly this is the most ego centered type of thinking that you could possibly have and it has nothing to do with the game and the rating system but rather with your personal self esteem.
I couldn’t care less if someone that plays a lot get to 3k mmr even if he is not that good. Probably most of the time when he faces a better player he would lose hard but in the end he has what he got into pvp for, a good transmog and fun of progression .
Free tip…play the game for yourself


Thats a nice mature advice , i like it .

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