PvP/Dungeon/Raid Finder by Questshares

I can share the Client ID from the developers Portal - 22a634a770274064b805e6982f23b06a - it’s public when you are redirected to battle net login

So if there is a place where we can check if the client ID is legit, use it :slight_smile:

Hearthstone Questshares has more than 10,000 users :slight_smile: check Member Reputation at top to see players ranks. The 2000 records is only for players that had made matches played, so they had feedback from it ( even when is neutral )

Only people i wanna rank out from playing with me in classic are people who want to enforce this kind of ranking systems. And i don’t need an add on to do that, they seem to be willing to announce themselves in game and forums pretty nicely.

Sorry for being harsh worded but this is the nice version what i wanted to actually say. :zipper_mouth_face:


This is a game, and black mirror is fictional. Don’t be so dramatic. Besides reputation matters IRL. Imagine getting bad references on your C.V.

Imagine deliberately giving out contact information for someone you suspect will give you a bad reference. Come on, man, it’s not hard to get a clean reference. I should know, my first job was in background screening.

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Honestly, you waste your time to do that for WoW Classic.

Classic is not an hardcore game, it’s the most friendly casual game you can have as WoW version for PvE.

Yeah, I know it sound weird, but compare with Retail when if you want to do Mythic Raid, you have to farm over and over every day with time gate so you have to go hardcore every day forever … like to get titanforge in M+, the Benthic Gear, the AP farming with island to get high-level neck on every major patch, And the ilvl/neck lvl, skyrocket every patch so you need to farm the same thing over and over every patch. It’s just an horrible game for casual that just can’t raid because Retail is really badly designed.

If I want to do something in the game, I don’t want to go in a third-party-app, because it’s simply a waste of time. Nobody care about reputation in Classic, just put a message in World Chat or look into World Chat and you get group instant for what you want to do (Raids/Dungeons). What people look is “If you need reserved items” or “If you are an [X] because we already have an [X] and I really want the BiS item”. It’s not about reputation.

And for quest just announce in General Chat in the zone so everyone see it and ask to invite them.

So, what I say with “Your waste time” is more about “Your waste your time because nobody need that, we have the tool ingame to do what we want, we don’t need more because it’s not necessary”.

Naxxramas was the first raid with real mechanic, and frankly in 2020 we will destroy it because we play WoW since 15 years now and we have perfect understanding about the game. If you search about why “0.3%” of population cleared it in Vanilla, it’s probably about TBC announcement so people start to pause/left the game, lack of understanding, guild that doesn’t have time to clear BWL/AQ + Naxx in 2 or 3 raid per week, and the 8 tanks required to get ride of 4 Horseman with no guild prepared for that.

Tank swapping…

Somehow I become casual player after TBC so I haven’t use any of the systems you mention. What we can do from the experience is improve into what is suppose to do better.

Along the way and with enough players using Quest Shares it’ll be easier to get a proper matchmaking based on the player reputation.

So, this means, if you do not have 5 Stars, but 4, the system will try automatic to match you with same stars has you. The process will continues down the line 3, 2 and 1

You went to the effort of developing an entire point scoring system for WoW and you’ve never even heard of gearscore?

I’ll download the addon to give you 1 star.


You made me giggle :rofl:

Quest Shares is not intended to split community, but to gather them by sharing same goals for different players and to give a proper experience based on their skills.

At the current moment performing a research on how Reviews and Feedback should be implemented, and one of the options it’ll be to open dispute when you disagree. Each player will have the opportunity to somehow argue based in facts.

Thank you for the feedback, each comment is important.

That point sailed right over your head, didn’t it.
The point is that any widely used system that gives everyone a rating depending on how they act anywhere and everywhere leads people to develop a preference for those with sufficiently high scores and distrust people who don’t want to take part in the system or don’t have sufficiently high scores.
Want to join a good raid guild and start raiding? Sorry, you only have a score of 3/5, they only want 4 and higher.
Want to join a farming group for a dungeon and you fit the role they’re advertising for perfectly? Oops, your score isn’t high enough, we only want 5/5s in our group.
What? You only have a score of 2/5? You must be a bad player, hey everyone! X is 2/5! Don’t invite them!

If this system were to become widespread in WoW it would do more damage than gearscore and rio combined, it would irreversibly ruin the community.


Eldrai did an elaborated text, so I will break it down in pieces so I can give feedback on his/her inputs

First I like World of Warcraft Universe and like to write code, so it was not a waste of time, in fact lead to me to understand more about the game mechanics and learn new ways to handle new ways of handle data, particle merging SQL and NoSQL, but let us not get tech savvy…

Good Luck achieving rank 11 in PvP

And on WoW Classic before you head to the Raid you need to farm matts over and over and regarding item drop do you know how many times I saw Corrupted Ashbringer drop? One. Even a legendary item become more common.

You have the right to choose but many of of improvements in the retail first were created by community creations.

I guess you never played WoW in the from 2004…

We had DKP system, there was no reservations…

Well try to do low level elites quests in 3 months, if you had a way to find someone to help out, could be easier.

I’ll be cheering those who achieve that!

Thank you for the feedback and hoping the answers somehow bring clearance to your words.

You are self-convicted your product is the way to go and Classic is a Hardcore game, when i proven it’s not and Retail is more hardcore, that why your product will probably fail because you made something that there’s no market for it. Sorry if the reality is hard but I had to say it, you don’t need to farm mats over and over to clear all Classic content, because it’s a nerfed state of Vanilla, and reputation doesn’t matter in 2019 when there’s to many people in the game.

yes that is correct

yeah, every new alpha sign up will get a FREE Star :slight_smile:

In my opinion any community initiative is welcome. I do not play WoW Classic, only retail and I use dungeon/raid finder, so I see potential for the website.

For what I understand the concept is make users engage with each other since you have to invite i

Wish you good luck with the project.

Here are my opinions so far:

  1. It needs to allow specifying the level, people will queue up for dungeons too high for them

  2. It needs to allow queuing for elite quests

  3. It needs to allow queuing for specific wings, Scarlet Monastery for example has wildly different level requirements

  4. List item

Blizz ban this guy he wanna ruin ur game

Just a quick update from QuestShares!

For those that didn’t yet join our discord community and miss some major announcements will recap what has been done for the last 2 months!

  • Profile Review system implemented (check #development for screenshots)
  • Added new realm regions ( Korea/Taiwan )
  • Updated new realm in Europe/Americas
  • Upgrade existing features and fix profile creation ( thanks for reporting community )


  • PvP is now supported! ( Duels, World PvP and Battlegrounds! )

Find players for World Raids and Duels for major cities ( Orgrimmar / Ironforge )!

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