PvP Experiences and Matchmaking Queries

Greetings fellow gamers,

I’ve been delving into PvP for the past few weeks and initially, it was a thrilling experience. I had the pleasure of engaging with friendly, dedicated players and found myself in balanced matches where everyone seemed to have a clear understanding of the game mechanics. Reflecting on those early matches, I’d say they were of high quality.

I believe the starting point for team MMR in BG Blitz is around 1500. I’ve managed to climb to approximately 1800/1900. However, I’ve noticed a significant drop in the quality of my matches as my MMR has increased. I’m seeing players abruptly leave matches, unnecessary flaming, and a general lack of proper gameplay.

The situation is eerily reminiscent of the Overwatch matchmaking system, which prompts me to ask, somewhat straightforwardly, if there are any other factors, aside from MMR, that influence the quality of my matches? Specifically, factors that correlate with the amount of time I’ve spent in this mode.

It’s as if the system assumes that regular players, having already demonstrated their commitment, would be content with consistently participating in lower quality matches. Is this the case or am I misinterpreting the situation?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and insights.

In what game that was?
That forum dedicated to the WOW only and you texting something not really related to the WOW.

I am playing Blitz almost every day as Holy priest and usually matches are just chaotic mess, where people barely understand whats going up, what to do and what team they are playing for. Everybody just running around and zerging everything, that has red text above the head.


wait what there was mmr in rbg blitz and it working? Lol didnt even notice. Been playing it with my druid and winning almost all… Think I was 2k then lol. I also saw lots of bots who just run in small groups and didnt communicate at all. Like in normal bgs. I think that will be huge problem when solo rbg hits live.


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