War Mode is a PvP mode.
PvP gear is made for PvP game modes.
Therefor, PvP gear should have full, not limited scaling, it War Mode.
Indeed, this is how it was in past expansions. Whenever you were in Warmode, the gear was scaled to maximum potential and I think it should be like that.
take this dumb idea back to Shadowlands where it’ll have company
Liar, horde players are unkillable haha
But seriuosly I think little scaling with rating would be fine, but not too much.
There is bloody token gears which gives an advantage over honor gears in warmode, however i may understand you on having pvp not scaling to max to give advantage and value to people who spent their time farming their gears.
But for now most of casual pvp players have only honour/conquest gears so we already have an advantage over them with the BT gears set bonus
PvE gear shouldn’t scale in warmode. It should be 350 entry level.
You’re not, really. Ilvl doesn’t scale up in warmode UNLESS I engage in combat with players. If all I do is quests and hit npcs… It will ALWAYS be lower than you, at ANY given time. But the moment you hit me, my ilvl go up, because now we’re doing MY game, which is PvP.
What??? What???
What??? So simply because we’re now in open world, my pvp gear shouldn’t work as pvp?? It doesn’t scale in warmode, like at all… It’s a sucky low item level… Unless I engage in player versus player combat. Like I have to hit an actual player.
PvP is PvP… PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER. Doesn’t matter if it’s arena, bg, epiq bg, solo shuffle, skirmish, open world. The name is what it says, PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER…
Like… The benefits of warmode really isn’t THAT massive… Just take it off? This is such an old complaint it’s giving me grey hair. Like you people are unbelieveably hard to satisfy. I’m talking you guys who LOVES world quests and thinks it’s the endgame of wow…
Edit: Which btw I don’t mind. You don’t see me come around and spray all over your garden just because I dislike quests.
Ye before DF I had wondered if PvP gear would work in WM pvp… so glad it does, works real nice!
A HUUUGE argument against, is that you literally alienate EVERY PvP player if PvP gear didn’t work in WM.
It would mean that people who loves doing PvE content would have better gear than PvP players. It makes absolutely no sense to nerf PvP players, and demand they “do PvE content” if they wanna get gear for a specific PvP mode.
If you are in WM it is because you wanna PvP. NOT PvE. So yes gear should scale to its PvP Ilvl in WM.
I’m guessing you suggest it because you like leveling in WM for that extra XP buff, but hate getting killed? That’s at least the ONLY reason I could see anyone wanting “WM to be PvE gear only”.
WM isn’t a “free XP buff mode”. It gives more XP because there are greater risks associated with it. Turn it off if you hate PvPing.
It’s LITERALLY like walking into a bar, and demand “no alcohol for everyone because you don’t like it”.
But it doesn’t until you actually engage in PvP combat with other players, and getting full honor gear is pretty easy/fast, you can even buy from AH/craft it for yourself (yes its worse but still better than leveling greens/blues)
majority of PvPers never cared about the “gear progression” most just want fair PvP. If i got to decide i´d remove vault and setbonuses from PvP aswell to remove that factor. Gearing is just a mandatory chore you need to slug through to get to enjoy the actual content.
Warmode needs to stop being seen as “free rewards, no drawbacks or consequences” I´ve recived death threats for killing people in warmode at wpvp quest zones. Its optional to enable. Dont want to PvP then keep it off or at the very least accept the consequences of getting jumped by someone who wants to PvP.
Yes he’s on Argent Dawn? So what? There are some very good players who play there.
Also, I don’t agree with OP.
Just replying to let you know that your Evoker looks like a worm.
OP has a point but it’s complicated. E.g., without scaling some classes won’t participate in wm activity because their versa/haste gear is low ilvl and long casts, long gcds and resource starving gameplay is not fun at all.
u saying world pvp is not pvp ?
Clueless smh
I am actually a bit confused how this works. I am working on having a PvP and a PvE set that I can switch. Of course I would like to use the PvP set when scaling is triggered. Otherwise the PvE set for normal content.
But I have a hard time tracking when this happens.
Yes I have noticed that if you enter a PvP quest area it automatically scales but scaling stays for a while even after you leave
If you upgrade it, it isnt tho? Baseline honor gear sucks ofc, but conquest seems decent.
I see how this could help wPvP. Players would get a big bump in ilvl if they wPvP but I also see why this won’t happen. Everyone questing with 424 ilvl. Even so it only scales atm if you enter pvp.