Pvp gear upgrade

Why on earth we are not uprading our Conquest gear with honor ?
It was perfect, atm i cap honor and have nothing too spend it for

The upgrade stones are so rare and at some point the wont green one that i further upgrade my pve ilevel and wenn i mousover them they only drop from M+ ???

So far i have played too 2.1 or 1.8 was upgrating my gear with honor and then was ditching PvP for a view M+ where people like too invite me because i got a high ilevel

Atm i sit at LFR normal ilevel great

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if you want pve gear go pve. i have mostly unupgraded pvp gear and i am 461 in pve. i can probably get it to 464-467 if i upgrade it all. thats good enough to do normal mode raid and m+10-15s, especially as a healer where gear basically doesnt matter at all.

we probably wont have another expansion where pvp gear is on par or slightly worse than mythic. they learned their lesson in BFA and SL.

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You still got wrong stats with pvp gear is your best stat isnt versa, there was nothing wrong with the pve upgrades in Sl or Df season one

Your got no argument then be happy it could be worse? You sure eat every think

Again, we already tried your idea. Your idea led to one of the most boost heavy seasons the game has ever seen - SL S1, where it was required for every high end PvEr to buy a boost (if they werent able to pvp themselves) in order to pick up 226 ilvl weapons before the opening of the raid.

Likewise, the same thing happened in Legion where getting boosted up to 2400 and picking up an elite pvp trinket was a fantastic upgrade to most/every spec in Nighthold and Tomb of Sargeras.

Its fine if you don’t remember this, not sure how me having a memory that spans longer than 1.5 years makes me a D gobbler.

Let me return the favour - do you have an actual reason for wanting your PvP gear which you farmed over the course of 3-4 days to be really good in PvE, or do you just want to skip having to play the PvE portion of the game to gear up, so that you can do even less PvE than you already do - which isn’t difficult, considering you’ve done one dungeon

and no raiding

I dont rly see the issue with
“If you like PvP, get PvP gear to play.”
“If you like PvE, get PvE gear to play.”

Im one of the ppl that dont want PvE gear to be better for PvP and the other way around xd


I hate the flightstones and crests thing too, although it doesn’t really matter.

The only thing I truly miss is this ceremonial moment when I would get 2.1K and upgrade all my gear and enjoy having a bit higher health while waiting for queues in valdrakken, knowing this is my “final form” :smiley:

None bought selfplay boosts to 2.4 first weeks of sl s1, only r1s like Trille opted to get a wep for a world first race
But since pvp gear was viable in pve a lot of ppl started to pvp to get some juice
For me it was a perfect scenario

Actually SL pvp upgrade system and pve viability was the best time in wow I had in ages
Ppl played bgs, ppl played rbgs, shuffles, honor was needed, pvp felt alive as heck

I havent read all of your wall of text but at the end thats exactly the point i would have done way more M+ if my conquest gear wasnt that bad with 1.8cr hittet in a view days played because 2s is ez for me eaven i started 2 weeks ago eaven playing the game again

I am way worse in 3s and Soloq and so i find it fun too make a view M+ too spice it up

it was duelist / 2100 in SL S1, 2400 in Legion. Gear stopped scaling past 2100 in SL S1. Duelist was 226 ilvl although if i remember right weapons might have went to 231. Regardless, these were BiS for any serious PvEr for months into the Castle Nathria because either you needed them for RWF, or your guild wasn’t killing bosses so grabbing a huge ilvl upgrade weapon from a PvP boost was a good investment. This was the season where boosters had 5-15k 2v2 games played, it completely ruined that bracket overnight and in 3s it wasn’t much better. the 1900-2200 MMR range was absolutely disgusting and this season alone largely birthed the boosting-for-gold scene which is still going strong to this day. PvPers were making millions per week boosting. It was disgusting. No thanks.

cant read, doesnt want to do pve for pve gear - do you do anything besides complain?

again - your gear is more than good enough to do m+10s-15s as a healer, especially this season were keys are a joke.

In s1 of sl wep was for 2.4, not 2.1

To get 226 from ur vault u had to get 2.4

Edit: aight mby Im wrong, but I had a strong feeling that 2.4 was a deal, not 2.1

Also idc bout boosters, imagine ppl doing keys and half of em gearing a char to sell after
It doesn’t matter at the end, the thing was that pvp was alive

If you are really going in on all points someone text, you re doing forum PvP wrong

Edit being fine doing it doesnt mean you get invited in groups

Then start lower and move yourself up. M+ rating matters for majority of groups if you dont play with friends. Just read up on the dungeons abit quick, que up for 10s maybe then, get your rating up, keep pushing.
Healers are always wanted.

You dont care while others might care. Now it became “I dont care so you shouldnt care because of xxx reason.”

If Blizz can’t or don’t want to controll boosting market, it’s 1 thing
The second one is the fact that pvp was in the most alive phase ever
Im pretty sure if there was no boosting it still would beat any other pvp participation in the last expacs

Then force PvP ppl to also play around 20+ (all dungeons) to be able to upgrade the weapon to highest ilvl.

Forcing PvE players to play PvP or buy a boost to get their BiS for PvE or force PvP players to play PvE or buy a boost to get their BiS for PvP is just bad.
I saw so many 2100-2400 boosted players in shadowlands it became the :person_shrugging: norm.

That’s omega rude tbh. Person was responding to you in a polite way and you just act toxic. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

You are maybe right i should apologize and at last give it a try
i play too much Soloq latley and the toxicness is slowley getting in me

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226 was from Duelist. There was an elite rank but it was weapon only. I can’t remember if this was vault only or not. Duelist absolutely was from the vendor upgrade though - i think it was the 9th upgrade. I remember because my gear was always 1 before the last and I was too lazy to do 300 extra rating into boosters.

99% of people just went for Duelist because rival was 220 and Duelist was 226. You could get weapon on week 2 and 226 was mythic ilvl weapons. Heroic ilvl weapons were 213. The leap between 213 and 226 was insane. I was only rival myself and I was stomping heroic raiders with their 213 weapons and it wasn’t even close in PvE.

The thing literally killed pvp for a lot of us. The combination of ilvls coming from higher ranks and those higher ranked players refusing to play in their own rank because they could just /yell in Oribos that they were selling boosts to 1800 or 2100 made PvPing a nightmare.

This also bled into even unranked pvp, where unranked players were running around in gear literally 26-33 item levels lower than duelist players. It was night and day. My 220 rival geared ret paladin could press divine toll and one shot 3 or 4 players in BGs.

Make your own groups. I refuse to believe you have tried to do m+ as a healer and have only managed to do 1 key this season. That simply isn’t realistic. I invite people wearing tesco carrier bags any time I do 2-7 keys because it simply doesn’t matter what ilvl they are at that range.

No worries, white letters under your Nickname automatically make you adorable. :white_heart: :drooling_face:

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Having to upgrade with flightstones is seriously the most stupidest thing ive seen this patch. It just does make no sense to me at all.


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