PvP gearing system needs to be fixed yesterday

  • Collected full honor gear at fresh level 60 through PvP:ing my way up to 60 and having fun and getting honor capped in the process. Completely destroyed in a global by anyone.

  • Thought: hey maybe I can be competetive if I upgrade the gear and just power through the worst of it (lol)

  • Realizing by the time 60-70% of my gear is reaching epic quality I’m still getting oneshot by people with 2-3x my hp and ready to give up. I’ve unsubscribed already and almost gave up trying to log in at this point because it’s just frustrating. First time I’m unsubscribing for an actual reason besides naturally reaching the point where I think it’s time to stop playing for a while.

The actual barrier to entry for the lowest of the lowest bracket/unrated PvP is so awfully high that it’s more fun leveling a character through PvP than reaching max level and going through this excruciating process. WHY is the gear gap so big?! Fresh level 60 going in with 20k hp while everyone else is 30-40+k hp when the game has only been out for a few months without any major patches. The power level difference is INSANE and it makes the game inherently imbalanced, what’s the point of balancing the game with 5% damage buff here and 2% nerf there when the game is absolutely broken from the get-go and there is no band-aid that would ever fix that except a complete gearing system overhaul??

There can’t actually be anyone who actually thinks this is fine except for the occasional contrarian or the type of dude who likes to stomp people with his 20+ ilevels without trying as if he had cheat codes to the game. :confused: 9.1 they MIGHT adress this but how long is that? Months?


yup, that’s the current state of WoW.
It all went downhill when Legion Templates were removed. I remember resubbing to BfA and people had 75% more HP than i did. then it was the corruption.

Instead, in shadowlands we have Convoke.

It’s the M+ mate. Before we had dungeons and raids in PVE. Battleground gear = dungeons, arena gear = raid. We also had pvp stats and that was great but whatevs. Now we have battleground = heroic / mythic dung and arena (capped) = mythic + 15 or mythic raid. And they have to balance the increase you get from M+. IDK if I explained myself well but short story, before 2 sets of gear, now 50 ilvl of difference between m+2 and m+15 and they need to balance that stuff. The only way to do something is to have 2 sets of gear. WOD gearing would be great.


its ok! they will just do an item lvl squish at the start of the next expansion, that will fix everything!

ive been pve ing mainly, got bored and thought id try to pvp. what a terrible state its in

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