PvP has never been this broken

i already fisnished twin peaks with 5 healers on ally side :wink: blizz dont care about anything in this game anymore

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but mistweaver is terrible and unplayable while enhancer is good but not overpowered. Even hardcore MW dont play their spec because its nearly impossible to climb. You cant compare these specs.

but these statistics are not taking into account player behavior and many more values which are important. I gave you a good example why the anylsis is flawed.
Some specs are easier, some specs are less popular(shamans in general for example)

Some specs work in every comb while some work only in niche combs. There are way too many factors.

by the logic of these anylisis if there are 100 ele and 10 are making it to the leaderboard and there are 1000 mages and 70 are making it to the leaderboard it does mean that ele is way stronger than mage.

I think people rerolling to fotm and not achieving high ratings and good players staying with their spec and achieving high rating is influencing this analysis alot.

imagine being a wow players for years having to begg in forums for obvious changes that are needed xD

is that what players want from the game they play

I unsubbed because i am not going to pay for a broken game

same im pushing whine threads on forum before the sub ends

The game has just been released 2 months and alot of people are quiting

yeah even if they change everything and fix it, its not acceptable they do it 3 months after a launch when hype already has died, and the intial game launch was a mess without even being adressed properly

The problem is they dont care, evreybody know how broken pvp is but they keep ignorig it.

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Arena is a complete disaster at the moment but the fast pacing is making RBGs fun, at least.


yeah we got alot of new mmorpg games being released later this year tho :smiley:

I compared them as an extreme example to point out the flaws in your logic.

The beauty of the statistical approach to balance analysis is, that with a large enough sample size, individual player performance becomes insignificant.

The assumption is that with a large enough amount of players skill averages out.

What this leaves you with is a hard value, relative representation in this case, that shows how easy / likely it is for an average player to climb to the leaderboards with a given spec.

These numbers can be compared cross spec.

It really doesn’t.

Fluctuations or uncertainties are accounted for via error bars. This can be seen if you look at Holy Priest in 3v3. It seems to perform astonishingly well but the error bar is huge due to how unpopular the spec is.
This leaves room for interpretation as the spec might be doing significantly worse or even better than it may appear at first glance.
So you can have a look at the error bar (thin line thingy at the end of the fat colored bar) and it will give you the low and upper borders within which the spec performs!

how can you say that when the data does not include stuff like that?

If the forums are filled with complains about balance druids and rets and people see clips of druids globaling people then they are more likely to play certain specs which increases the total number of these specs overall but most of them dont play at 2650+ which is when leaderboard data starts to matter.

Also some specs are easy on low rating but harder on highrating.

You also dont need any data to know that enhancement shamans arent the best melee in the game. If that would be the case we would have seen more enhancement shamans above 3k and we would have a the situation that we didnt saw a single enhancement shaman in last awc.

Having data and analyizing it in a certain way and making fance diagrams is nice and good but its not really showing the reality of the game.

Sir with all due respect. You confuse your perceived reality with the actual reality apparent from looking at the stats.
Your observations are limited to the very low number of games you personally play, same for every forum post complaining about something. It simply misses the bigger picture, and these issues have to be addressed by looking at the bigger picture.

This may be true but is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is how easy / likely it is for a given spec to reach the leaderboards.
Game should not be balanced around low level play, where massive misplays are the largest factor determining game outcome and balance is far less significant.

The only way to achieve balance through all level of plays is to give every player the same character with the same stats and abilities. And even then you will have complaints that ability x is way to strong at a certain rating because players are too slow to press ability y to counter it.

The data shows that there are more enhancement shamans at the highest level of play than you would expect given the player numbers.

This means that it is significantly easier for them to reach the top of the ladder, than for specs performing worse. It also shows that it is the easiest melee dps spec to climb to the top for an average player.

Sample size is big enough that the error bar, albeit still being fairly big, does not imply that the ranking is wrong.
The most extreme case having enhance over valued to the max and arms undervalued to the max would put them equally with maybe a slight advantage for arms. This case is very unlikely.

and thats everything the data shows. Assuming that because of this enhancer for melees or elementals for caster are the best specs is speculation.
Im just saying there are more reasons for this the data does not include.

so true… theyjust count the money… dont care about this game, gamers (casuals)

is this true?

yes check up, elyon, new world, lost ark, corepunk, there are even more but those caught my attention

it’s the other way round. The data includes all possible reasons for why the spec is over performing. It simply shows where the spec is at, at a given point. This has to include all the reasons it is there.

And yes it is not possible to derive the specific reasons why it is performing so well, but that is besides the point. The point is that ele and enh are the two specs whith the highest likelyhood to end up in the leaderboards and thus are the strongest specs right now.

I believe your hypothesis is still that this is simply a result of “the best players” playing the spec at god like levels.
But that is simply a bad hypothesis.

It’s still way too high, really high geared mages can still kill anyone that doesn’t use heavy defensove cds in 2 seconds or less.

Indeed but it can still destroy entire teams if the rng so wishes.

All the rest i agree with your post, pallies are still crazy too though.

I mean ur 1500 ?