PvP - Havoc self healing

For someone trying out DH for the first time - how exactly do you self heal as a DH?

Often in 1v1s I’ll see a DH’s HP yoyo up and down just through self healing. When I play it - when my hp drops, it’s not going back up unless I kill someone and get a soul fragment!

Also demon that spawn from your talent(fodder to the flame)heals you for a lot. Not to mention DH in meta in 10.2 is realy durable due to the leech.

Fodder has been removed in 10.2

I have always wondered the same… Even against rares when soloing, you die as a DH. :sweat_smile: Unless you have weak mobs around you, you WILL die if you don’t kill your opponent fast enough, since DH apparently is build like a glass canon.

I haven’t tested DH after the rework, but I hope they have gotten something done about their self-healing, since leech isn’t enough. Even Warriors are better at staying alive than DHs.

The reason you will find people like Soulscape, who can 1v8 people in WPvP on his DH, is because he collects every buff known to man unfortunitaly. Which only at that point gives you enough dmg, to have leech be viable. :confused:

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