PvP Honor Vendors - Put Them Back

For the love of god, put the honor vendors back in game.

Myself and many others are capped on honor from WG reset and trying to complete a set to start arena today. No one can buy anything. You could have just removed the conquest vendor and left this one in place.

Get it sorted.



Yes. Its Just annoying.


Another WG missed just now.

What a waste of time this is…


Well Blizzard has managed to make a buggy launch again. At this point, I don’t think they’re even testing anything.
I would not be surprised if they had developed the Titan submersible.


You can buy wrath gear for honor and sell it before 2h run out and keep recycling. Best things to buy are expensive weapons so you don’t have to keep track of many items.
It‘s annoying but at least you can play and earn honor beyond the cap


Do you know how easy to do win trading and how many high end player doing it rn? They will reach 2.5 then you will be able to buy honor gear. Classic blizzard.

Note: how is this possible? Because 80% of the players base who do arena is not able to queue because they have poor gear. And after few games pool of players became really scarce right now. You face with same 3 4 teams.

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This is good information. Thanks for letting me know.

Gg idea but the problem is if they dont solve before you go off, all farm will be for nothing. Am I missing something here?

The timer should be paused when you’re logged off so it’s 2h playtime. But i would test it first with a single item just to be sure since we have so many bugs in cata

Please let me know when you test.

Thank you in advance

Please dont troll because i am working and hard to farm hahah

bump where are the vendors how can we get gear at leasst put the honor ones back in game at least

I’m sure the honor vendor npc must be linked to the conquest one somehow because the code of the game is broken and they don’t know how to fix it.

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BUMP at least put the honor vendors back leave the conquest out cmon get ya act together it’s not like your a small indie company

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