PvP in Shadowlands

Not gonna happen. Blizzard wants everyone to do every type of content in the game whether you like it or not.

why dont they force PVE players to do PVP then?

and blood of the enemy doesn’t count, at least not even close, when PVE have to do PVP for 1% of their gear, and PVP have to do PVE for 99% of their gear…


Maybe that’s what they would have wanted to happen. It was naive of them to think it would work. I’m pretty sure they’ll take it back. For the most part anyway.

Right, blood of the enemy can be earned by semi-afking in ebg and C&S by reaching combatant rank which is 1400 which is easy.

  1. introduce crafted pvp gear, make it affordable and easy to get
  2. introduce ilvl requirement to join bgs, same ilvl as the crafted set


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All I want is to get geared through PvP not through PvE. And that PvE gear would not give you an advantage in PvP. Done, I’m happy. Forcing PvP player into PvE is sadistic. Imagine what would happen to the forums and to the game in general if they made PvE people get gear for raids through PvP :slight_smile: You know what? Go for it:)


It wont happen on shadowlands too , pvp vendor will be similar to nazjatar pearl vendor.

nazjatar pearl vendor was 425 ilvl , while people were 440+ on that patch.

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