Pvp is a crap just because of demon hunters

1 min cd on a 50% defensive what has about 90% dodge chance.

Leech like an immortal crap

every 20 sec full dispel

Netherwalk, Darkness,

And for this, a 120k single target constatly dmg.

As a hunter i cant get them off my face, and do an unstoppable dmg.

PVP was never worse before.

Thanks blizzard


Now imagine being a warlock who needs to cast spells and you have melees like DH constantly interrupting your casts stunning you and having 100% uptime on you because they have insane mobility. DH needs to be removed from arenas at this point


Atleast Locks are kinda tanky, imagine being a Mage and being against Rogues, WWs and 2 button troll DHs lol. Spaghetti DPS because everything else gets interrupted :laughing:

And the funny thing is they are thinking they are pro and tell you to play better :rofl:

Playing a caster is Dark Souls level



Playing a caster is Dark Souls level

In this caster meta :smiley:

The Illidari cannot be stopped!

DH is Meta specc = worst PvP seasons of all time


A paladin crying about dh so op :). Pala is op to. Stop cry. Bro l2p. Iā€™m against big nerf that make the class useless. Good blizzard have learn there mistakes that never big nerf a class always good to start with smaller nerf. And ppl always cry for everything they are never happy.

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