Pvp is dead for real

40 50 min queues at 2k cr both blitz and shuffle 2s 3s died long time ago i mean they finally killed it ggs


Sadly you need to play late night to get faster q

The queues for 3600-3700 mmr Blitz lobbies are 5 to 10 minutes from 9pm to 2am, I can’t figure out how you get 50min queue time at 2000. Unless that’s… not true ?


unsub already dont have to prove a point enjoy that bulls show of pvp and have a good day


happens sometimes when u Que for Skirmish/ other Gamemodes while you are in a Que for Blitz/shuffle

i mean it trys to place you with a Team, but when the Team is complete and only you are missing the Que waiting some minutes (i dont know how long the Treshhold is"

but when your Skirmish/normal Bg Game takes longer than intended, the que system Replaces you for a other Player and put u back in the “next que grp”

it´s kinda how Classic/Tbc bgs work with the “Alterac valley 1-2-3-4” but a bit more complicated, my explanation is also not the best

sometimes it also can bug, but it is what it is, this happens so rarely, so the op kinda overreact in this post.

people are lying all the time. i have que times between 5 and 30 mins in shuffle. dont think i had a 50 min que at all in the last year of playing.

You are allowed to play only in limited period of time in the evening. Weekends don’t count, nobody plays on the weekends

5 seasons already and they didn’t fixed (didn’t delete shuffle)
But who cares, there will be tbc, mop, 3 versions of custom private vanilla servers, plunderstorm, free mounts remixes
Why still play retail?

The only time you’re getting a 50 minute queue at 2k rating is when you’re queueing at 5am on a weekday and have been playing Blitz games in-between.

My 2.8 MMR solo shuffle queues and 3.7 Blitz queues don’t even hit 50 minute times.

No I got 45+ min everytime, you can easily check if it’s true or not I got same q time and mmr than joefernandes and he always wait a lot of time on stream.

Main reason:
State of game which have only 2 viable healers while other are used as fuel for their easy wins.

Game is designed to be operated with 7 healers and it currently run on 2, so anyone who defended how healer situation is fine now choke in his own stink with 50 min ques.

AWC where only 2 healers was viable = shame , disrespect… never ever allow AWC to go in that state again.

irrelevant thread. This happens in the end of every pvp season, nothing new

Delusional, end of pvp season is always the most active (even DF s4 was active af comparing to what is now, people got +200-300cr just only in the last week in shuffle)

Enjoy drastically decreasing playerbase in next season, because 1st season of every expansion is the most active


How do you decrease something, that is at it’s lowest? Arena streamers already applaying for Mcdonald’s jobs.

i was playing all DF pvp seasons, and i can tell you that rated bg died in all seasons except season 1 1-2 months before the end of season…literally there were forming only 1-2 teams with 1700-1900 mmr only…same thing i see now in TWW, except for blitz which is still ok (even though much less active compared with what was 3-4 months ago)

Imagine if all of a sudden you realize you need to get a real job to be able to eat each month, what a nightmare for them xD

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Ofc heavy caster meta ppl quit
Rmp op again ppl quit
Warlock op again ppl quit

game is at the end anyways.Im still not over it how they turn this game into a battle royal.Worthless.Dont expect anything from those devs.They didnt come up with new content for 5 expansions or so and then make a battle royal instead of working on pvp.

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or switching to hc wow and doing boring leveling content what is watched by dads, i dont think most of the pvpers have fun doing it, but its better than working for Mcdonalds i guess

good for you, but data shows otherwise, the participation is way lower compared to Dragonflight.

ngl this battle royal looks like a cheap mobile game version of an battle royal, feels like low quality

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Believe or not, the CC dam increase (in 11.1 patch where paralysis, poly blind etc wont break from dmg) doesnt help on this.

We are just playing and try to enjoy the game until something better comes.
PvP players mostly ignore pVe so i think, if a good similar game will shown up in the market many many ppl will leave the WoW.