PvP is unplayable...paladins have actually ruined this version

shamans are not even half as annoying or OP as paladins and guess what; shamans are easily shut down if you know how they work… which a lot of alliance players just don’t.

bold prediction: 2-3 weeks into the horde/ally paladin/shaman phase, alliance andies are gonna flood these forums talking about OP paladins when horde can access them.
watch them blame the horde racials as the reason that our paladins are broken as well while flat out ignoring that alliance has been using this busted class to win bgs for months now.

enjoy getting clapped in a single GCD and spend half your time watching “cannot do that while stunned/incapacitated” error prompts on your screen.

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When paladins finally make it to the horde, we taking over Stormwind. Clapping every civilian and npc on the way.:trumpet::man_in_motorized_wheelchair:

Wavé isn’t on the forums crying about paladins, nuff said.

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The cope is unreal with horde players lmao, half of your shamans could be keyboard turning clowns and still succeed more due to how busted a combination of high HP+mobility+utility+defensives+racials+offensive.
All what paladin got are long CDs and maybe with good RNG global PvP geared clowns, still a wheelchair class that suffers from anyone that can remotely understands that.

prediction more likely to be coping for a justification when you notice the paladins flaws compared to negative flaws on shaman.

you haven’t queued into a game in ages, keep dodging.

enjoy getting kited around like bottomfeeding NPCs.

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Shamans in alliance quickly! I want AoE 1700+ Flame shock spams, mass slow and never die :slight_smile:

so can you keyboard-turning paladins, but your class simply has the potential to be far better at it with less effort.
you say “cope” while huffing it in enormous amounts to the point where it is now having a permanent effect on your brain… i think watching Arkaviun’s streams is starting to affect your mental capacity… i just read a thread where this guy was arguing against another guy in the US forums, and this Arkaviun guy’s manner of arguing is basically a 1-1 copy of what you do on the EU forums.

tragic to learn that you can’t even be original in the realm of debate and feel like all you have to do is literally just parrot this guys’ objectively poor talking points and then win by default.

dude, i got news for you; Arkaviun is a bloody moron.
this guy think he is a top tier hot :poop: pvp player, yet he wasn’t even aware that priest dispel functions in the same way as shaman’s purge, except its actually better because it can be used to dispel friendly targets on top of dispelling magics off of enemy targets

this dude (in the same vein as you) also started arguing about shamanistic rage as if the tank 4p T3 bonus is baseline on it.

just incredibly brain-damaged takes on his part and its like you and him are the same person to be honest, like HOLY :poop: bro…

then later in the thread, when someone pointed out that ret paladins can easily access their one-shot combo through T1+T2+templar shoulder rune (all available from simple dungeon farming btw) he goes “BuT ShAmN cAn GeT T3 4p BoNUs aS ReSto anD dPS” as if farming t-effin-1 and 2 is even in remotely the same ballpark as farming T3.

the paladin community at this point have lost their collective minds.

you have 2 CC’s
you have bubble.
you have steed.
you have double/triple(?) seals.
you have windfury on your T3 ring that stacks with the HoJ trinket effect.
you have BoP/F (and yes, the fact you have these baseline without using a rune slot is significantly superior to shaman’s “BoF” totem).
you have literal 1-tap capabilities that clap plate users and bears in 1 gcd and blizzard just added an extra 100% damage to your divine storm as a 2p bonus from t3, so if you choose to, you can now basically one-shot those pesky feral wolves you love to cry about that apparently makes shamans so infinitely OP, as if things weren’t already outrageous enough - the only thing that gets you guys mad about this, is your inability to use it along with your mandatory T1/2 set bonuses.

sorry, Wavé, no sale… at this point what you are doing is putting on an act of trolling and just rage baiting people.
your class is literally the strongest in the game, and yet you are still sounding exactly like you’ve been sounding since the dawn of the sod version of the game, referring to paladin as a “wheelchair” while being the only class that can 1-shot on a more or less constant basis as long as you are not getting dispelled…

like who do you think you’re actually convincing when you say A and everyone who actually plays the game knows without the shadow of a doubt that the answer is actually B?.. again, you are nothing but a low tier ragebaiting troll at this point in time.

earlier on you might have been in a position where at least on some things you said was worthy of consideration (hence why people used to bother arguing with you) but there is no defending paladin in its current form, and this is why you are getting far less traffic now.
people literally see you posting and they just roll their eyes.

see that’s the thing… paladins have no flaws. they are disgustingly overpowered in every way and their only weakness in the entire game can only be performed by 2/9 classes (dispel/purge spam).

i’m not queueing for pvp because i don’t need to pvp.
got my high warlord on the character i needed it on a long time ago.

good paladins don’t get kited.
figures you can’t relate.

stares at cleanse button
stares at earthbind totem and proceeds to ignore it while being kited around it like a dog leashed to a stick
stares at BOF button
stares at steed button cooldown because you used it 10 seconds ago for a failed opener
pops bubble

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Last couple weeks all posts involving anything about nerfing paladins has been deleted from the forums. I wonder who is doing this…
Counting the days left on this post aswell until its all gone, like in a sealtwist.

for me, who plays paladin Hunters are OP because of their incredible range of attacks. they do the same burst as I but they do not to be very close. Plus all ranged classes can hit through a lot of obstacles (it look like obstacles but it do not work like obstacles) - hit through mountains, huge trees :smiley: especially LoS is broken at Arathi and of course old players abuse this legal bug. I believe it is madness for any melee player and I am wondering why in SoD that LoS is broken. 2025 year…

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Up until P7 this is untrue and you should know it.
Ret paladins needed to gear actual tier pieces from raids which have low stamina to begin with. Shamans do not rely on PvE bonuses to function in PvP, and get the freedom to gear with stamina in mind. The only set that might furfill a use in PvP is ZG set for you, 10% per Flame Shock damage instanceto get an instant cast on CL/LB on a 25y range at LEAST. Flame Shock into instant Power Surge is basically the one two punch that you can get from them.

whoasked? shaman community isnt much better, get off your high horses. you sound like that xtra guy over on US, you share the same braincell of stupid + gaslight other classes to be OP whilst still being OP since p3.

2 CCs that are limited to max 10 or 20ys, you can outrange it with Flame Shock Relic or Ground em or use shamanistic rage for DR+Innervate levels of mana to survive burst.
bubble that got nerfed, void argument as long wolves exist that provide caster movement speed/heals/stuns and last for 45s.
steed that sits on a 45s CD and lasts for 3s + cancels on ANY cast, wolves still do it better and only sit on a 2min CD if not 3 + shaman class shield gives 15% for 2mins on air totem drops.
seals that dont exist as long you have purge where you can always stay a GCD ahead of every paladin in the game until you get CC’d.
BoP only useful vs pure physical abilities, so thats like 3 classes or to break rogue stun instead of trinket? You can preemptively resist as orc or decoy that.

You have easier access to all things that you accuse paladin of, heals/DR/utility/purge/damage/mobility + having a pretty good anti-caster toolkit ONTOP.

still not true but okay keep huffin copium, the highest rets do is 5-6k range, pvpgeared players+ tanks and bears sit at 7k+ life. don’t moan about dying in PvP when you sit at 6k and think you can get away with it lol.

not true but okay troll.

sorry potato at this point what you are doing is trolling + rage baiting meatriding horde players on their FOTM classes+racials. your faction+racials have been literally the undisputed n1s since SoD started last year, whatever you think regarding paladin is just based of playing against it but not playing as one.

same dude who was adamant about being able to decoy a HoJ until proven wrong. nobody except same meatriders of horde racials+shamans have liked your posts against paladins.
they swipe past you like the youtube shorts.

ignorance is bliss when you dont play paladin and yap is easy when you keep yapping nonsense.

looks at the purge, grounding, decoy, shamanistic rage into heal spam, wolves
looks at grounding + SR rage + FAP/LAP/Restoration Potion

less than avg shamans whining as usual.

Let’s go further, if you play melee against shaman, you could just die to the overcharge/ZG/2pc T3 enhance set alone, the shaman doesn’t even need to put in any effort. That is how insane it is especially against ferals and rogues.

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Go hide in ubrs or something.

The only thing I’m seeing is a 5k HP priest in PvP complaining that he doesn’t have the stamina to survive damage.

It indeed is a git gud moment, rank up and use your sets loser.

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i assume you are referring to me?

i don’t pvp on this char anymore.
was gonna get high warlord, but i changed my mind when i realized that my shaman who is high warlord have never once made use of any of the rank 14 rewards.
at best i get to use the weapons for my enh offspec if once per blue bloodmoon i am asked to dps on maybe 1 fight in nax.

the priest pvp items are also dog tier and i already got my free pvp mount long ago (got a scarab now ofc).

there is no reason to actually run bgs in this game… its not enjoyable when there is no carrot to chase.
rose tint goggles come on every now and then, but then they quickly fade when after initial fight at BS 2-3 people on my team just says “next” or “afk”.

all that being said; that doesn’t mean i stopped caring about pvp balance.
you ret mains are a scourge.
you are the definition of unreasonable.
if you look up the word “oblivious” or “brain damaged” one of the nouns explaining its definition is “ret paladin”.

isn’t a little curious that your advice is “use your pvp gear” while you yourself are running around in pvp fully decked in pve gear?

also, on that note: pvp gear is dog tier. only the weapons are half-way worth it.
why don’t you paladin andies use pvp gear for pvp?
could it be because its dog tier for you as well?

who knows. it doesn’t matter cus you can survive with 4k hp as long as you connect with the enemy target.

good try wavé, but im not gonna give you what you want.
tune in to arkaviun and shed some tears with that loser like we both know is how you spend your passtime when you aren’t trolling the forums with your dog tier posts.

i didn’t read your post and i’m not going to read any followup posts, so spare yourself and everyone else the trouble.

i know you far too well to waste my time treating you as anything beyond a total clown.

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At the moment what i think is really worth is going rank11 for mount.

Maybe rank 14 for my backstab rogue is worth it for the 5% on offhand…

ironic coming from the biggest troll with no experience, just a onetrickpony and just barking without a bite.
avg shaman brainrot still existing.

Can’t believe you guys are still playing this garbage, come over to anniversary - its like therapy after playing SOD.

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Lol, anni is dead