title says it all, tragic
smells like skill issue
lol git gud mate
idk what they’re waiting to omega nerf pals in pvp , just delete half their runes in pvp like they did with boomy/sham shouldn’t be hard.
Atleast bgs dont have 50% paladins, no wait…
you just know the pala players are the sweaty little rogues who seen an easier class to play XD
Why do you ask about PvP, if you dont play it 2.9k hks pve boi ?
Bit rich coming from a paladin who’s burst/DPS is purely down to pve set bonuses
Why you crying in paladins, when hunters, boomys, shamans, rogues, icelance spammers can also kill you in 2 shots? I play for shp on side of alliance and when there are more than 5 paladins in group, we are driven to base by 5/0: hunters + shamans + boomys + mages, why don’t these paladins kill everyone in 1 gcd as you write here the cunning horde?
Too many variables there. 5 palas all Ret/shock? All geared or freshly dinged? Horde grp a premade? Other 10 ally players under geared/bots? I mean that example is just plain poor. Also rogues aren’t op…we have no survivability. Only ok/good damage and cc every 5 mins. Most other classes do way more burst than a rogue and have survivability or range on their side
There are no shockers on BG, I have never seen them, only rets, you are complaining about AB RDDs map, although the rogues kill almost everyone 1x1, my sp who has 8k HP, -15% reduction in all physical damage from shadowform and -35% damage from physical attacks from armor + buff, any rogues kills me in 2-3 backstab, he doesn’t even need a kidney shot, literally no skills are needed, even my dog Jessie can do it if you train it to press the 1 key 2 times, after which it will get a treat. The same with the hunters, but I can at least feared, but not rogues, because they have 2 trinkets.
And dont say it isnt so, when you kill priests in 2 strike, its normal for you, but when the paladin who brought you out of invisibility does the same, you demand to fix it
Don’t know any good geared shadow priest I kill in 2-3 backstabs. You do know 3 backstabs is our entire energy pool right? Most clever priests are very quick on trinket and fear early on, forcing a trinket. Wotf granted is a pain but you can pre emt it with an engineering nade, fap, etc. heck you can even run and just spam mind spike/dots etc. get fetish from aq40 and the poison dispel cloth boots and rogues are not a problem.
rogue are freekill for anyone with a trinket or a free action potion , this guy is just trolling don’t mind him.
I just saw paladin kill not one but TWO people while he was hiding under his bubble in arathi basin! But im sure some light monkey will run here and say its perfectly fine and balanced.
I just saw hunter spamming 7 kill shots in row to kill someone, such impressive gameplay indeed.
I really didnt know that you could make pvp worse then it was in classic but here we are.
I think we should get free transfer from pvp to pve servers, your not forced to pvp or join bgs, but getting one shotted while in full rank14 gear and in moonkin form in open world is just braindead.
When i signed to pvp server i tought i was playing mmorpg not counter-strike where one head shot equals one kill.
Aggrend refuses to nerf paladins cause hes a paladin player himself. The sheer incompetence of the devs is mindboggling with a person like that in charge. Not like people invested month into this game. Fin hell
Such sweet revenge, ALL the former phases we got dominated by shaman as alliance. So i guess you’re just gonna have to eat that like we had to. Have fun
You write nonsense and waste people’s time… then proceed to drop the mic like you said something relevent rofl.
Oh quite simple… for the other classes its atleast mostly just dying to their dmg for paladin… well nothing is more annoying than HoJ or bubble tbh. Feels just that tiny bit more frustrating to play against.
Meanwhile boomkins casually kill enemy players with starfall while farming mobs near the cauldron in wpl xD
Two stars killing sub 60s
Skill issue