[PvP] Losing "Den Recovery" will the death of Surv & BM in 11.1

Yeah the “become Rexxar” changes seemed awesome flavour wise, but it will absolutely MURDER Surv and BM in pvp. The whole reason I start playing these specs in PvP is due to the FINALLY added (but minor) survivability through Den Recovery. Now its gone. Both specs are easily trained again.

(But BM might still compensate trough the Dark Ranger heal talent)


Yup, den recovery was the main reason for why that hero talent tree was so good for PvP.

So now it’s back to using “tricks”, through trinkets and non-good PvP pet abilities, to make up for it. :sweat_smile:

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I just find it odd people are so silent around this… They arent aware or…?

I use Dark Ranger on BM and MM (unless AOE MM spec). No idea what Pack Leader does atm or will do in Undermine. I thought Dark Ranger was meta for PvP?

Dark Ranger is’t available as SV Hunter, which is the main issue. :confused:

Dark Ranger has good self-healing for the other two specs, but as SV we only have Pack Leader or Sentinel to choose from. Both which will now lack self-sustain/healing by A LOT in the next patch, seeing that Pack Leader was the only good solo hero spec.

The shield we get from Sentinel is so unnoticeable, that they might as well remove it… and the “reworked Pack Leader”, just adds ANOTHER much weaker damage reduction effect to our Hunter spec… :sweat_smile:

We have plenty dmg reduction with the reworked Hunter defensives we got at the start of the expansion… we don’t need more of that :sweat_smile: we need another heal, which we have very little of.

The new baby turtle defensive, apart from looking awkward, is pretty useless yeah. I don’t think a lot of people play Survival, so that might be why you don’t have a lot of complaining. :confused:

No idea why they removed Den Recovery.

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I mean what hunter have now feels a little bit too strong, so i expected a nerf. But I thought we would just lose a charge of (from?) Survival of the Fittest.

Losing Den Recovery hurts. :smiling_face_with_tear: At least from my pov, as someone that plays 1v1, 1v X without a healer in the back.
In Arena Hunter will be doing still good if there is no huge dmg nerfs.