PvP matchmaking problem

Stop letting premades steamroll randoms in battlegrounds.


its a massiv problem. so many ppl stop to play pvp because only fighting against premades. Why noch Limit of group of 5 to q against random? its just bad how it is.

Its social game, just find or create your own grp and stop crying.

Go back to your premade.

so why cant premades play bs premades then ? You can be so social as you want like that.

And you are still social in a pug vs pug

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They did that already. It ended up as Alliance always getting queued against 2 separate 5-man horde premades and hordes having to wait in super long queues.

Too much work for randoms. :wink:
They only survive with dungeon finder, LFR and random BG groups to play their lazy afk tactic without actually playing the game. they don’t want to support groups and guilds. It’s pure solo mindset to leech honor or XP the most easiest way. Disgusting.

so why cant it be premade vs premade then? you wont be affected by it. Or you just wanna stomp?

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So … social game? The reason why people premade is not to be social. It’s because they want a fast and easy way to grind honor. The faster the better. At least be honest about it :ok_hand: In the end, all that want to get rank 14 will get it. Just a question about how many hours you need to spend into the grind.

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And solo randoms don’t? Then why complain about losing? :upside_down_face:
You guys are hilarious, you don’t want to play in organized teams but expect to win. :rofl:

So if you don’t want to grind honor fast like pre made, keep on losing mate and you will get enough honor anyway, it just takes longer :grin:

but you can still be social in a premade vs premade. And ppl like me can be social in a pug vs pug?

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Not every class has ez access to a premade. To build on, you need time. Most people havent this time in the week or are to lazy after a long day. Or they have to go afk a few time because family has something.
So…this people lost their fun and stop pvping. Is this the target what you searching for? Think not. Little premades (max5) to play with friends would be a good balance.

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Trolling? Or you just don’t understand the term: BG on equal terms? But you’re clearly a premade wannabe, so I don’t expect you to understand this simple fact :sweat_smile: But don’t you worry, all will be rank 13 next reset :wink: The real question: Are you able to win anything at all if you go solo? Or do you need others to boost you? Wondering :joy:

Indeed. We can agree about that :ok_hand:

We all have a choice to play in organized groups or not.
Your double standards of honor grind made it clear enough.

Do you know what happens if anyone goes afk in a pre made? > Kick
Do you know what happens if anyone goes afk in solo random? Nothing

If this is your understanding of team play under equal terms, please keep on going randoms. I really don’t care.


I do my game, you do yours. And honestly, is there any reason to go AFK in a premade? Takes 7 minutes scripted win :wink: But yes, I do agree. THis AFK in BG is something that Blizz should adress. The “debuff” you get now, is easily removed by running into a player and get killed :sweat_smile: Should have been, AFK marked = kicked out of the BG.

They will never admit that this is a problem, because they love doing it themselves …
For them it’s always the evil premade players, never the ignorant players in their own faction. So tired of this attitude. :face_vomiting:

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premades are just terrible for the game, ive mostly stopped playing bgs and went to BRM instead.