PvP mess and bugs

So this is not a post about balance. This is a post about simple things that really should be looked at, in fact its things that should never have ever gotten past the testing phase/

  1. In SoTA, the countdown is completely out of synch to when the game starts. Game starts a good 15 seconds before the countdown even starts.
  2. Time remaining sits at zero. Zero indication whatsoever of how much time remains.
  3. Heroic Leap DOES NOT work, unless you are on ground that has been deemed level by a spirit meter.

Honestly, these are just some of the bugs I have picked up on after playing like 3 bgs. Its absolutely appalling. If I released software like this at the company I work for Id be fired within the day. Be. Better.


Berny will just do another hardcore journey. The cata hype was not worth.

The jump doesn’t work at all when the surface rises

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Besides bugs, Cata is VERY good so far.

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