PvP nerfs seem to be reverted for 9.1

Hahahahahahhaa true


h ttps://ibb.co/74S8TPC
h ttps://ibb.co/SRNnvCJ

sounds about right, now dk healing is back to ret healing stupidity?
Thought they wanted people to actually die lol

100k dmg 233k healing lolz

dks general healing wasn’t even that terrible to begin with considering they can use sacrifice and the other 50% heal. Those things are much healthier than DS spam for 10k+ heals lel

Ah yes a 25% heal on 2 min cooldown and a 50% heal talent on another 2 min cooldown that also places a 30% heal absorb on the caster. Barely anyone ever picked this garbage talent this season.

And lol comparing DK healing to ret or other hybrids. DK needs a melee range can only heal itself and needs to have taken a lot of damage in the last five seconds in order to heal that much while other DPS can heal like crazy from anywhere anytime and heal others as well.

DK should be hard to kill. It should be the tankiest melee by far. That’s its class fantasy. Slow unstoppable juggernaut. This is a good change.


why not make him unkillable, its the class fantasy, screw balance.

did you remember why they trashed DS in the first place?
DK is not a hybrid and has other tools.

people complain about heals of others all day but when their class gets it, then its fine lul

death strike is one of the worse healing spells out there.
-very costly
-eats alot of GCDs
-melee range (needs to hit)
-while using GCDs u apply no pressure
-all the above are greatly increased by healing debuffs and kiting that everyone and their mom has and will have next patch

if u have to DS spam and u got no walls then ur already dead, regardless of the nerfs

lowering IBF to 2min and removing the healing debuff from death pact would be much better


Ret healing isn’t much compared to how ferals heal as of now. Anyhow, DKs truly need these nerfs reverted since they lack defensives and even though they are a self healing class, 2k heals at the cost of half of their runic power bar is a total joke.


Funny how the shaman that has insane heal comes here and wants to tell us that a 2,7k heal for 35 runic power is ok and doesn’t need to be buffed. Even when it heals 5,5k now it is nowhere as good as a ret or shaman or druid offheal


I right, next time I switch to any of my other 10 chars to make my comment more credible?
DS has basically no downside for unholy, why do you think 10k heals every 4 seconds would be feasible?
Death Coil isn’t worth using if DS is too strong, similar to enhance using all MSW for healing instead of dmg because the dmg of lightning bolt is so useless.

Why would a pure dps class with soso much disruptions, several defensives need crazy good heal?

Compare shaman like you wanted:
Astral Shift

Lich born (+healz)
Pet Sac
50% heal talent
Smaller heals with DS

so yea we should definitely give DKs 10k heals every 4 seconds. Better yet give mages and rogues even more CC and also an instant heal every 10 seconds, just to make the game fair.

You are complaining about healing of ret, feral, enh and then you are fine by adding similar BS to DK. Hypocrite much?

it isn’t costly at all for unholy, because Death Coil is crap

enhance also need to melee to gain MSW
Feral needs to melee as well although their casted heals are not nerfed compared to enhance
Ret got some ranged builders, but compared to DK, rets sacrifice certainly more dmg output to heal. (not that this is balanced at all in any way but still)

thank god unholys dmg is basically 90% from pets and dots.

so like every other heal in the game you all are complaining about all the time?

if you got no def left, well shouldn’t you die? I think that is the whole point of playing lol

IBF is basically 2.5min cd but lowering it to 2 min could be fine, whatever.
If you want to remove the healing debuff you should also reduce the heal to 30%. Hunter also only got 30% instant heal while even having much less overall def

This is simply not true. Even if the damage of death coil ain’t the best, it’s our CD reduction. You need to dump you RP in it.

Other than this, everything you said is completely true, there are a lot of unreasonable requests here.

u wrote so much to say nothing

i would much like DS to be removed and other more stable changes to be made instead of trying to balance this dumb spell

how do you come up with 10k heals every 4 secs? i dont understand that.

first of all, DS heals 5k now with the nerf reverted. when i get hit for 35k final verdicts with full pvp gear on than a measly 5k heal wont do anything.

ht tps://imgur.com/a/hYGxTGA

meanwhile rets shamans and druids top them selfs over and over. the only one who ever goes oom seems to be the shaman. but still i need to deal way more dmg to finally kill them cause they all can heal so much, that my defensives cant even come close to that. the one exception is AMZ with pvp talent and AMS with legendary item.

You have not played dk this season… thats what i learned by reading your post.

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ouch, u took 55k dmg from that pala in 2 globals XD

May be u did not realize we r talking about PvP

I’m not saying it is in a good state, just that your solutions/requests are not realistic or reasonable.

You might not agree but it’s no reason to patronise me.

you know, I agree that dks are a little squishy but really, giving them back massive heals while sacrificing little to no dmg is just not good for the game.
Give them something against physical dmg or just follow their idea of CD based DS buff (the pvp talent just isn’t good enough)

Maybe you should also stop being so biased?
DK is such a terrible class that is was played in AWC to 3rd (4th?) place. Yeah we all feel so pity. Please buff dk back up to Season 5 stupidness.

Again, just because classes like rets are massively overtuned, we don’t need to create another overlord busted class.
Once you would tune down rets and other outliers, you would see that DK isn’t even that bad.
Especially on the rating you are playing you are most likely not hold back by playing dk (this is not a rating flame).
I do agree that DK at the moment is not exactly the most fun to play in pvp but that has more reasons than just DS being trash. Just saying.

I do not play DK in arena, but I don’t not need to play it in arena to know how much DS heals for. I do not even need to play the game to understand how biased most people here are towards their class.

Try playing ALL classes for a while and you will see that dks aren’t the worst.

yeah so? that is what I said anyways.
People here arguing whether DS should heal for 5k or 50k per global.
There is no right number, it will either be too much or too few.

If you want DS being “viable” you need to have it on a cd, like pressing a cd that increases DS healing by 100% for 8 seconds. A similar talent exists already, just nobody takes it because iirc it doesn’t really buff the healing rather reducing the RP cost which isn’t that great due to gcd restrictions and the dmg taken mechanic of DS.

anyways, don’t hold your breath, the pendulum swings either hard in your favor or hard into the other direction, they never find any middle ground anyways

which one? im not patronising u, just noticed your answer about death coil CD reduction was a PvE thing. PvP is an entirely different game, u should try by yourself

I don’t mean yours solely, but the solutions brought in this thread.
Pvp is sure an entirely different game but the mechanic around cooldown reduction exists within both worlds and is as important as your pet is your massive burst damage.

i feel very weak while playing with my dk since legion.