PvP nowadays - my opinion

For me BGs end when i hit lvl 50. I was never in to pvp in WoW because it’s HIGHLY unbalanced bullsh** but what we have nowadays well, this is honestly unplayable bad joke. I came to WoW from SWTOR where i pvped for a few years, i knew every single class and spec, what to expect and how to act, in different situations with different enemies… I thought that my pvp skill in WoW is basicly because my lack of knowledge, since i started playing in 2nd half of Legion, but today i thought because have plenty of “alts” i should get some idea how these classes work and what i can expect playing against them. Honestly i did play BGs during BfA only while lvling and honestly it was hella fun, of course it highly depends how “experienced” pvp players are in your team and if enemy team has 2x more healers then you do - personally i think this is bad balancing, i know that healers wanna have fast pop too, but for the rest of players it’s unfair and who wants to spend couple of minutes without obvious chance for win or leave and get punished with 15mins penalization for another que - i am not saying it’s bad to get penalizated for rage quit. - this is about balancing

After prepatch came out i started lvling for fun another toons on Ali - because higher chances to meet pvply oriented folks - DK and then Monk (Monk is my main on Horde, so i think i know pretty well how to play with this class). So… during lowbie matches -

to 29lvl i found that some classes are insanely in advantage, like HUNTER due high damage, Priest - the most tankie class and if they know what to do they can kite 2,3 players for a while, Mage because his mobility which is known fact for very very long time.
PvPing is still fun - i enjoyed it so much (if u have balanced and good ppl in pvp)

to 49 i found balancing is bad, but still it’s playable, but Hunter - freeze trap, slowmove trap, high damage burst (for example my monk on lvl 49 had 5,2kk HPs hunter gave me aim shot for 3,1kk damage - is this for real??? - of course he was far away from me and i was without DF), Priest - dots, fear, insane tankie surviability - 1vs1 against priest is very very hard challenge with very low chance to beat him/her up in 1vs1, rogue - stuns + stuns + stuns + stuns + high burst damage + stuns… I can’t even imagine how other classes without stun breaker can play against team with 2+ rogues, in worst case cooperating together. Stuns, slow, fear etc… are for real cancer in WoW - in SWTOR when you get stun or slow or something you get filled some % of immunity against those effect and when you filled it you have been immune against it for like 6 secs? Don’t remember it precisely - this is what WoW needs! Mages are annoying but it’s not that extreme and you can play against them
PvPing is still fun - i enjoyed it so much (if u have balanced and good ppl in pvp)

lvl 50 - no comment, i honestly dunno what to say. When i finished 2 days ago lvling my ALI monk i didn’t even que because i know without gear, azerite cr*p and everythign altogether i would be no match for enemy players. But because i wanna play pvp i joined on my main - ORC MONK and tried to play yesterday and today… Nah i don’t have nerves for this - zerged almost instantly - half of team are ranged - slow fear + high damage and meanwhile you get stun byt rogue with burst - of course it highly depends on situation and if you will be targeted enemy players, but this disappointment i didn’t feel during lvling that much like on lvl 50

I was thinking and honestly i wish to get option before you que in which bracket u wanna play with adequate nerf ur toon - because i would never hit lvl 50 (max lvl) if that will be possible on “pvp only” character and keep enjoying pvp on lower bracket

-----> That was my own personal opinion, i am not experienced pvp wow player, i know plenty of ppl will disagree with me, i know this is prepatch before live content - but please, do something about BALANCING, it’s shame that pvp here is not that live as it should be

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“random” BGs are absolutely filled to the brim with tryhard, discord using, queue cheating premades.
You more than likely kept running into those.

Yep. In order to survive even for a few seconds in PvP you’ll have to:

  • Acquire and upgrade your heart
  • Grind essences, many of which are timegated, or grind currency to buy instant R3 essences if you unlocked them on other characters (good luck if you quit the game in early 8.2 and came back in 8.3 like I did)
  • Get your cloak and level it up to at least R10
  • Farm high M+ keys to gear up, as it’s the only viable way to get gear outside of raiding
  • Preferably do Mythic raids so you can get OP trinkets and even more OP gear

With all the above boxes checked - congratulations, you can now enter CASUAL PvP. And still get steamrolled by premades.


The long to read. But I can say pvp will never be balanced.

PvP nowdays is who has the best PvE gear wins.


Obviously you can say it. Anyone can say anything. Isn’t it wonderful?

However, if you are convinced what you say is true, what makes you so sure? Can you see into the future? Are you psychic?

The FACT is, that unless you ARE a psychic (and even then, there’s a degree of inaccuracy and uncertainty involved), you can’t really KNOW that it will be ‘never balanced’.

I know for another fact, that it COULD be balanced, if there was enough will and resources devoted to doing just that. But Blizz seems to want it even MORE imbalanced, since they just made sure the other faction will almost always be stronger.

This is the heart that’s in the neck, right? (what a weird place to put a HEART)

How do you upgrade it anyway?

What are essences, and how do you grind them?

I got my cloak upgraded until the visions started being too confusing, I had no idea what to do in them so it stopped working. Maybe level 5 or something. How the heck do you upgrade it to 10??

I tried a mythic +5, and we failed miserably. I don’t get how you’re supposed to do ‘high’ ones, when even +5 is impossible.

What’s a ‘mythic raid’? In any case, some easy raid might be feasible, I think we did one in Legion era, only 3 bosses and that was that, not much traveling or anything.

I wouldn’t even begin to understand how to figure out how to do any kind of raids, besides, PvE is so boring, my mind would go asleep anyway, so can’t do it.

But I still sometimes survive a bit, and was once even able to escape a rogue! (That should be an official achievement, it’s so hard to do!)

Essences are upgrade items that drop from various places, like outdated raids, the weekly chest, certain quests, mission table missions, PvP etc etc. What essences are good depends on your class. They are basically abilities that you slot into the Heart of Azeroth after unlocking the ability to forge it in the Chamber of Heart.

Wrathion starts giving you quests to gather pages from a book. You get pages from the chests at the end of Visions, in the bonus ones you get for clearing additional zones.

M+, especially low M+ keys, is hell if you’re playing with PuGs. They are quite doable, but the skill level and attitudes you meet in that scene are… dubious to say the least.
I never do M+ with people who are not part of my community anymore. Usually it’s just inviting a massive headache, not worth the mental strain at all.

All (recent and semi-recent) raids come in 4 difficulties: LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic. Mythic raids are the most challenging, with the most mechanics and biggest damage output.

I’m sure many people, myself included, share this mindset to some extent. Having to do PvE to do PvP is an outdated and archaic way to go about the game, and that it returned to being this way after having actual good gearing systems for PvP is absolutely mind boggling.

I don’t wanna do pve content when i wanna do pvp. I don’t wanna do m+ to get gear, i wanna do pvp to get gear… Just info to folk above about getting gear, neck tuning etc… Check my main - it’s not of course TOP, because i am rather lone wolf for pve content

So i think with this char i shouldn’t be deleted in a few secs - and this is what i am talking about better balance or let me join with proper nerf to lower brackets, or leave me choice to stop lvling at lvl i wanna stop (29, 49)

Completely ridiculous.

hahahahaahahhahah nothing else to say to that

But pvers want this. And you know pvers are the ones that matters. Also ION wants you to doing all content to have full power( all content= pve)

So yeah this is their strategy for 3 expansions. Probably very successfull when they keep doing this. But who can blame them if you can see with you own eyes how great game wow is atm and how people are happy and all groups of players enjoying it. Right?

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I don’t mind do PvE because i love PvE, besides as a lone wolf it’s perfectly finy with me to do some PvE stuff in some nice environment and don’t have a problem to do PvE to boost my toon which will be helpful in PvP too. But!! When you finish leveling your toon and you wanna pvping you don’t have a simpliest chance win 1vs1 against geared ppl, the same is for PvErs if they would like for funor because boredom join some BG they wanna do it for fun, if there would be something like PvP gear they would be annihilated PvPs aswell and they won’t have fun at all… I am saying it’s time to do something with PvP (i don’t care about rankeds, because i am not that skilled for rankeds, besides rankeds should be completely in another lvl - like no scalling, no boosting, depends on your equipment and skill of yours and ur mates)… But Blizzard needs to do something to have unranked BGs balanced better…

Summ -
Unraked PvP - balance of players according gear thay have - give the all players same chance - for this reason we using QUE, ain’t we???
Ranked PvP - do your best, get best equip from whatever u can get from, no scaling, no boosting, simply nothing, just u, ur skill, ur gear and ur mates
OpenWorld PvP - same as Ranked - It’s basicaly live arena, wanna survive? Do your best

in current state of the game,

  • whatever your ilevel is, u r stun = u r dead
  • whatever your ilevel is, u face any mongoloid premade = u r farmed

what i mean is, scaling is far to be the worse problem in random BGs

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