( PVP ) Our Mortal Strike being tied to Fel Rush is stupid

Monk’s is tied to their damage ability, Warrior’s is tied to their damage ability, why in the world is ours tied to a mobility spell?

it makes no sense. What if I’m in melee already? Why would I spend mobility to lower their healing? That just makes it easier for the enemy to get away.

Our Mortal Strike should be tied to Blade Dance instead.


True, but you can felrush into a bunch of people, healing reduction on a ST ability is my preference

Its because they wanted Fel Rush to be part of dps rotation since the beginning and still can’t get over this weird idea.

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Yeah it should be tied to Blande Dance instead, we are wasting our mobility over debuff.

Blade Dance is also AoE tho

absolutely agreed

I only use it in rbg or against double melee in 3v3.

I feel like MS is not a win condition in this current state.
Detainment and big darkness are so powerful to not be taken, and i prefer the last slot for reverse magic or rain from above.

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