PVP Penalty


My internet went off as I was playing solo shuffle and after I logged back in I don’t receive any honor points or conquest and the honor points gain in every PVP queue is shown in red.

I believe it’s some kind of penalty. Where can I find more info about it?


I could find these:-

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The game punishes leavers.

Unfortunately, it also punishes people who crash during games as a result.

Well yes, otherwise every leaver would just turn their internet off.


Thank you for the info. I was looking for information about the duration of this penalty though as it doesn’t say anything about a cooldown or something.

And I don’t have any such information in game either. The honor points just show in red.

Weird, maybe tomorrow everything will be back to normal.

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This is the first reference I’ve found to a leaver debuff but not it’s actual duration

What happens if another player in my game leaves before it ends?

A topic we’ve discussed internally and seen feedback on with the Brawl and on Beta is: what happens if a player leaves the match before all the rounds end? We want to disincentivize players from leaving their match, punish them appropriately, and have minimal impact on players who did not leave. The leaver will receive a Deserter debuff that will increase in penalty for each consecutive offense.


Seems to start at 15 mins. You should be able to see a debuff on your character

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Do you have 15k honor or maximum amount of conq gain for the week, if you are capped on those they also show red in quests and ques that reward them.