PvP pet battle feedback

Its utter crap.

I’ve needed one win to complete the weekly quest for the last two hours. I have not won one in all that time.

Every time I swap out a pet for a different kind, I come up against someone who counters it. Every battle I come up against is a complete counter to the pets I have. Mean while the pets I have selected for the battle in no way shape or form are able to ever get passed their second pet.

It is utter crap.

Yeah i never bother with the weekly quest.

Thesedays by the time you get your wins, you could have leveled multiple pets through legion tamers. Yesterdays valsharah tamer, was 2 battles from 1 to 25.

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It can be Im afraid. There are quite a number of people out there that dont look to give others much of a chance. But it’s not in the rules that they have to either.

Looking at your rosta you have very few level 25 pets to make up a team. And I mean a team that synergises with each other. Add to that that a number of them are store pets that need to be paired up with sunlight or darkness to get the most out of them.

Take a look at some of Disco’s battles: pvppetbattlesDOTcomSLASHdaily-battleSLASH

(cant post links in the forum)

Many of the pets arnt hard to get, either capturing them or many go cheaply on the AH.

But you need to understand how teams link together as I earlier said. And it’s not me being rude or anything - I just not convinced you do - and once you do “get it” pet battling will be a million times better for you.

Yeh, I’m not all that into pet battles and only do it for the weekly or once when a new ‘dungeon’ comes out. The pets I have at 25 are pretty much all completely random and I dont go out of my way to research comps or anything.

The reason I dont work at pet battles or try to make improvements for my teams is that it sucks from the get go. If it didnt suck or had brackets for newbs such as myself to be kept away from the ‘hardcore’ pet enthusiasts it might be more of an incentive to keep going with it.

In the last patch, the release notes said that the queue would favour matching people with little experience against each other, but no details.

Your selection of 25s is limited, and does not include most of the favoured pets for PvP. To use a metaphor from raiding, that means you’re very undergeared for the content. Respect for getting 9 wins!

The reward used to be appropriate back in MoP, but is completely off-target these days since levelling is so crazy easy and fast. As Eggs says, getting a pet to 25 this week is just two battles, and SuperSquirt is up this Sunday, so it seems odd to spend an hour getting your ten wins for a prize of levelling one pet to 25, when you can level one to 25 every 5 minutes this week.

What teams were you running? The one you have slotted is trash.
As Grainne has said it’s like trying to to raid without any of the gear, idea of tactics or a strategy.
You’re not good enough because you haven’t put any effort in and dismiss all pet battles because of it.

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