Pvp players cannot win against pve players in pvp

That’s not entirely true.

We had Legion’s templates, for example. Or WoD’s gear scaling system. And before that, we had PvP gear with resilience or PvP Power. With PvP gear in the game, a casual was only at a disadvantage against geared arena players which were a lot fewer compared to M15+ players.

What we have now is a rather huge power gap between players. The OP is totally right in his assessment. Casual PvP players are punching bags for PvE-geared PvE’ers and PvP’ers. Gear is by FAR the most important factor in PvP and this isn’t how it should be.

you just need to do one mythic 15+ key a week

I CBA, personally. I’ve done thousands upon thousands of dungeons and raids in the 15 years of playing WoW. I now find repeatable content boring except for high-end raiding on which, however, I don’t have the time to invest anymore.

I’ve been there, done that. Many, many years ago.

Now, I simply want to log in and solo queue bgs for the fun of it. I do not appreciate being unable to be competitive in the ONE thing I have the time and will to do in WoW these days. And I’m not the only one.

Not to mention how bad game design it is to force people to do content they don’t want to do in order to be competitive in the content they do want to do…

We either need PvP Power and/or resilience back or a gear scaling system like WoD’s or a system like Legion’s but with an option to customize secondary stat focus. Or a combination of the above.

The end result should be to cap the power gap to, say, 5% or so. This would encourage more people to do instanced PvP and we might even get shorter queues, who knows?

If things stay as they are, I’m willing to bet WoW’s going to gradually lose its casual PvP playerbase.


I dont think devs are the problem.

But activision managers.

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Sure legion kid.

The point is that you should be able to progress in pvp via pvp. Now you are forced to do boring content. And im not talking about m+ gear being 10x more easier to obtain then pvp one but about this corruption and cloak clownfiesta …without all this pve bullsh*t you are useless in pvp. Go play rated arena without corruption, cloak etc…you will be smashed. Thats why people are mad.


Legion kid? What?

Also you can get any corruption with echoes idk what’s your problem. PvE trinkets were always strong it’s not something new.

That is somewhat true. However, you wouldn’t go far without PvP gear in previous expansions.

Having read your previous posts, I gotta say your logic on this matter is flawed.

Gear matters a LOT this expansion and the power gap between players has never been as wide. This has got to be addressed and it most likely will. We’ve seen systems in the past that kept all sides relatively happy so I suspect we’ll see one of those systems (or a combination of them) re-implemented.

I would personally want to see a gear scaling system like WoD’s with a maximum 5% power gap between players of lower and higher ilvl. This would keep PvE gear usable in PvP (so that PvE’ers don’t have to farm a second set for PvP) and it would also protect casuals from facing PvE player mini-bosses (that’s how it often feels atm).

Plus, teams would be far more equal in random bgs because of gear scaling. You could join a BR with 3-4 people with 70k hp and your team would still have a chance at winning. Gear would still matter so that there’s an incentive to gear up your character for PvP (5% is a decent power gap) but not decisively.

Rated PvP gear (from vendors) needs to be on par with BiS PvE gear so that PvP’ers don’t have to spam M+.


Just bring back templates for bgs.

and put ppl who queue bgs/brawls to feed enemy wins in their own “clueless idiot” bracket too
1 hotmogu brawl all dps does is ignore healer and the orbs
nvm the russki ally team has
ops like fire spriest dhs bm hunt and bear druid

pft idiots in brawls as usual
nerf them

i mean lowgeared people in brawls who either queue to bot or are clueless how to play

or are real bots
dunno what are clueless"players"even doing in brawls other than feeding the enemy free win

Pvp players are skilled enough to overcome this gap, esp if they pvp all day long every day every month. Pvp is only skill based, and that few ilvl difference from unskilled pve players shouldn’t matter.

You would think so but no. Gear is everything at the moment and outweighs skill. Which shouldn’t be the case. A 20-30 ilvl difference is not negligible at all, even more so when you consider all these mini-systems Blizzard has been introducing lately (traits, essences, corruptions).


This is true, and even if two players are the same ilvl, if one has like 7 gushing wounds corruptions on they will absolutely destroy you. I’m all for gear progression but it’s all locked behind PvE and the gear power difference is massive.


I think gear progression shouldn’t be as relevant in PvP. It makes total sense in PvE because even assuming a mythic raid of perfectly skilled players, you still have enrage timers to beat and you need gear to do so.

PvP is different. You progress by getting better at it, not by equipping better gear than other players. Awards could be entirely cosmetic (titles, mounts, transmog, etc). BUT since many PvP players enjoy gear upgrades, I’m personally not entirely opposed to the idea of gear progression in PvP. I do think there should be a cap though so that gear isn’t so dominant and more people are encouraged to participate.

I agree with everything else you wrote.

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so much agree. Its a pitty for me they wont fix this in bfa anymore. Not sure if im gonna go on in Shadowlands

I’m a vanilla boomer.

Less QQ, more pew-pew.


Ion has been quite happy with it so this won’t change.

Last time I played there was Resilience, PvP gear and PvP vendors. All I did was PvP. I ditched the previous game because PvP there became one shot arena, which has no place in MMORPG in my opinion. And here I am came back happily to WoW, because here I had the most fun in PvP, so I came here only to find out that I cannot properly gear up through PvP or even buy PvP gear, to make matters “better” there is no PvP gear. And from what I’ve read best way to gear for PvP is through PvE, I don’t know what sadistic mind came up with that or how high he was. I mean, imagine making a strategy game player, make to play a shooter, it’s totally opposite and make no sense at all. I’m not even gearing now, just waiting for the shadowlands to hit, and if things won’t change, well, I’ll find yet another game, one that appreciates PvP player base.


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