PvP Premades

They need a seperate que, why should 15 rank 13 players in BWL gear get to que into randoms where there is never 5+ rank9+

Also your patch notes are wrong, a loss is still 1 Mark.

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They aren’t changing pvp, sorry its cooked. It’s too late to do anything to balance the pve sets in pvp etc. Premades allow 10-15 people have fun killing you so it’s just part of the game now.

If you think its bad now wait for the AQ weapons, nature damage on hit and set bonuses.

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Its 1 mark then you get 1 extra every 600 points. So if you manage 1800 points you get 4 marks, even if you dont win

How do you know that you get only 1 mark for a loss?

according to ally, horde never loses

The question is why would anyone queue solo random to carry levelers and afk players.
BGs have so many solo players who expect other people to win for them.

They don’t behave as part of the team and that is unacceptable.

The question is, why not give puggers and premade what they want?

Pug Vs pug and premade Vs premade. That will give all what they want and will give all a chance to have fun.

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I would have a limit at like 3 people when queuing with pugs.
Any more than that and it’s too impactful and should be full pre made vs full pre made.
They could also do what they should’ve done from the beginning, disable consumables within battlegrounds.