[PvP] Preserving in Battle bugged

I was stuck at 512/1500 honor for couple of bg’s, then I started gaining it again, then it stopped again, seems to be totally random if it works or not. Anyone else noticed it?

US thread:
Preserving in battle bugged - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums

More issues, now Rated pvp tab is greyed out.

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Hi there Sinergy,

We’ve had more reports of this and are currently investigating.

So far I’ve only seen Deephaul Ravine mentioned specifically, but it definitely sounds like more battlegrounds are affected so if you’ve noticed it on other maps, please send along the details in a bug report.

Many thanks!

A goodday, starting last week my honor gains in pvp do not count towards the weekly quests.

Last week I was playing some Solo Shuffle Arena, and this did not count for the weekly rated quest given. I thought probably rated solo shuffle does not count for that quest, my bad.

But now a new week has begun, and it gave the “Preserving in Battle” quest, earn 1500 honor in Random Battleground. So I queued for a Random Battleground, played a game, earned somewhere around 400 honor. But the quest still shows me 0/1500.

This only happens on “Cantharel” on Argent Dawn EU as far as i can notice in my characters. I did a double check and indeed on other characters of mine the honor earned is counted towards the weekly quest.

Is this character bugged somewhow, or am i doing something wrong?

PS. I tried the Get Help option via blizzard support both in game and via internet. When i selected the “character problem” it shows me absolutely nothing anymore, so i have no way of creating a ticket about this.

Please help

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Hello. Yeah I attend some random BG and I noticed that no honor from Deephaul Ravine were counted toward Preserving in Battle Q.

I had the same. Entered the new Deephaul Ravine, and we won but got zero honor counting in the weekly quest “Preserving in Battle”. Afterwards I joined another random bg “Seething Shore” and then it started counting. Curious what my next bg will show or add…if anything. I’m on Silvermoon EU.

Update: Went into Sivershard Mines and it also counted, so it’s your new bg Deephaul Ravine that’s bugged apparently

This should now be resolved!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to help raise it.

For more info about the latest hotfixes, check out the blog here:

The issue still persists for me and affects all bgs, not just “Deephaul Ravine”. Abandoning and re-taking the quest doesn’t solve it. There doesn’t seem to be a weekly reset either.

Character: Yakiudon on Kazzak (Alliance). Version

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disregard, it’s working now