PVP problems in s4 and solutions

Dueling 3 days , over 300 duels

pvp big problems
1: self healing
2: very high burst damages
3: shamans

1:Some damage specs are healing full hp in seconds like a healer with only using 1~2 runes , mages , shamans , shadow priests , druids .
Dps specs shouldn’t be able to heal like that , if they stay like that give all non self healing dps classes %50 healing reduce effect.
2.Burst damages very high , in lv 60 healt points are like 5000~6000 k but dps classes hits like a truck and all hp gone in seconds it not fun , %30 damage reduction not be enough in lv 60.
3.Elemantal shamans tanks ,healers and damagers in the same time .
They dont die , their health pool doest move , they do huge damage , they can heal.
in s3 they are like that !

imagine s4 !
They are more op right now in s4 , completely broken class.
And blizz never balance pvp !
They dont care pvp !
if a class doing well in pve thats ok for them.
Thats why peaople leave that game.
Although it could have been the best version of sod wow.

Elemental shamans are really strong yes, and there’s too much magic burst in general. It is hard to play PvP because of it and just reducing the damage is not cutting it we need proper class balance I guess, or atleast it be in a playable state.

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