PvP Queue System

Can someone explain it like im 5 to me:

Right now,

Horde premade groups have a far lower time in the battleground queue than solo players.
Alliance players at lvl 60 get instant invite for BGs as solo players and then, mainly find themselves fighting against premade groups.
Isnt that kinda frustating for both sides, alliance and horde?

I would think, bringing more players to Arathi and Warsong battlegrounds was fixed, with the 7500 honor for 3 mark turn-ins.

What might be the idea behind this?

because they decided to remove the group/premade queue and thus we have mixed queues where soloq+group+premade all are mixed.
it is only frustrating for alliance because due to many advantages that horde have thanks to racials and shamans. horde is simply following the motto of “abuse early, abuse often”.

https:/ /us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/alliance-on-crusader-strike/1968764 - similar on NA side.