For the second week in a row, my PVP rank at the end of the week is not updated, the experience bar does not move a single millimeter, I am gaining honor by 30-50% more than in the previous weeks, is this due to the release of the add-on? Bug? or …?
Previously, everything worked as it should, a set of honor - a new rank, after reaching rank 5 - nothing, although standing changes, from 500 to 341 today.
Hey Kocmoc,
If you only checked right after the maintenance, keep in mind that ranks can take up to 24 hours to update.
If you still think something isn’t working as it should after that, don’t hesitate to send a bug report with the details.
More info about this here:
Dear Tyrskorn,
i hope you read my comment since im not familiar of how requently you guys from Blizz read the forum/bug reports.
The day before prepatch was the last update for our ranks, but some did get their update and some didn’t.
It is already 2 days after the prepatch and i was logged off fairly long (during nighttime in Europe), so there is no chance the rank will update itself after that long time. Old PvP System is changed anyway.
Me and many more already opened a ticket which directed us to open a bug report, yet there isn’t any Blue Post about the error concerning rankupdate.
I dont want this to be forgotten. Blizz owes us our ranks (and in the best case the items we could’ve bought with our new rank)
Maybe this is already in the hands of the dev-team, but could you please make sure that we are not forgotten? We definitely wont forget.