PvP Rating Adjustments

This is the best reply in this thread. The rest is just multiglad gigachads talking down on nubbies not realizing that not catering to the casual playerbase is actually going to kill their favorite gamemode, arenas.

Nobody but the most tryhard sweatlords are going to play, until the point where only the AWC players are the ones left playing. queing into eachother hardstuck on 1400 rating because theres nobody around to be below them. They will end up wintrading to get their titles that nobody cares about, since nobodys playing.

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I play the game 1-2 times a week and I have no problem getting any of the achievements ofc 2400 atm is hard because I can’t farm shuffle enough.

The problem with current wow is bad players ask for achievements they should never get and once they get it in inflates seasons they gatekeep new players by asking for a certain experience to play with them.

Top players are not asking you to have 2700 xp to play at 1600 that’s the casuals the same reason you are asking for all these rewards to show off to players that are even worse than you it’s unfortunate but it’s the casual players who fotm the most too.

Problem is the tryhards who are too bad to achieve anything promote themselfs as casuals when been a casual means they play minimum amount of games you can be a casual and any skill rating don’t use it as an excuse for been bad.

All im asking for is any solution to bring more players back to play the game. Its kind of boring to play the same 5 teams queing. Dragonflight is the first expansion i actually remember the names of everyone i play against because theres like nobody, even at 1600 mmr in regular 2v2 and 3v3 brackets. I like to play stupid comps with unpopular specs like blood dk shadowpriest or something like this, but in order to have success i have to log on resto druid warrior or something similar boring snoozefest and follow the script 1 2 3. Dont need a lot of skill, but gets rewarded for playing it.

Well let’s take a look at the forums we have casual players like rakar who buy glad r1 every season just to use it against lower rated players do you think the casual players who can do this for free by linking 2700 from an inflated season are any better ?

Ye mmr is low but don’t blame the top players as you wouldn’t even meet any top players if the low to mid tryhards didn’t run you all away by asking for unrealistic achievements for you to play with them.

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2 noobs trying to gain the same achievement means they are both trying their best to get it you give one noob 2200 one season and suddenly he is better than the player with the same skill as him trying to climb that has nothing to do with the pros it’s just how the casual player base is he will never play with the new casuals as he thinks his 2200 xp means more .

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great points all across.

You are correct. I used to be casual pvp player, but now with certain changes I am both happy and relieved I don’t have to go down this gaping hole of rotten elitism and smelly egos to fulfill my cosmetic goals for the season.
I will just buy the set for 12 marks of honour in WW.
And farm these marks in comp lel stomp.

PvP is an overly toxic and complex mini game and can roll over and die for all I care.
Open world content rightly claims pvp place in the vault as n3 in WW.

This post was sponsored by a Huge middle finger LLC
Huge middle finger LLC wishes y`all, addon junkies, a Marry Xmas and wishes you only to play against the best = each other, not farm rating on new players or casuals, and get comfortable at your well deserved and non inflated rating for the years to come!


Guys, I don’t know what about you, but I don’t see any difference before and after MMR changes. Are they on live already?


Then why keep the system at all if the majority refuse to interact and hate it?

Nothings changed.


Did any notice any changes? I think this post is some trolling from Blizz/

the only thing that changed is my 2.1 to 1.6. Idk.


The system isn’t friendly at all towards Casual PvPers. My friends already left because of the faulty, unbalanced systems.

thing is their system dont even care so much currently if your casual or pro, the only thing that matters most is if your fotmer or no and that can be proven with the dozen lifer challengers who hit their elites and the like first weeks of season after blizzard did one of their notorious tuning patches again. the balance on this game is absolute disaster. its like eminem song or something… 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain and 100% reason to fotm the game.

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Without a doubt. From Premades, to unbalancing, to Out-sourced Pay-2-win services. Its not looking good for WOW’s PVP.


Since Solo Shuffle is so dead… Why not have Bots that can play realy well just for the time being so we can have a few games…?

nothing changed still same garbage why we send this ‘*’**ÖOIJMDEFPD company our money

Can’t say the trap did work well, I remember legion being alive when I started pvp compared to now even if glad is free compared to the old season.

Kinda ironic xD

This game is dead for pvp.

No one new wants to pvp, rogues insanely unbalanced.

IMagine facing that for the first time trying to learn a game and be ccd non stop


I think that mmr for solo shuffle did not get hard reset is super unfair. Look at the feral druid specc. The high elo ferals just had to keep a 50% winrate and sit on the top now while most suffer to even climb.

Top 100 DH’s start imo at 2200+
Top 100 Ferals at 1800 ~

Feral was very viable last season,
Its super unviable right now.
Yet the Ferals which played solo shuffle last season got to 2400 with 50% winrate.
It just feels unfair. Everyone should start at the same point, how could you call it competetive otherwise?


What do you mean first? The issue persists second season in a row. Sure some people earned rewards previous season, but it was deflated af as well.


Snowball effect.

Wasn’t top player in 3s like 2260 before?
Now it’s 2287.
So it’s fixed, thank god. Now all people can get easily glad mount.

Anyway. I stand by what I said and seems to be very true.