PvP Rating Adjustments

Are you stupid on purpose? When Blizzard announced the MMR adjustments the highest rated player EU was Whaazz on his Boomkin at around 2390 (0 people had been above 2400). Now, the highest rated player in 3s EU is 2590 and there are approx 20 characters that have been above 2400. Like, can you stop spreading factually incorrect nonsense for once in your existence?

Actually logged in to share I give up with this solo shuffle nonsense.
Total waste of time.
Played a few rounds, won 3 rounds 4-2, average gain 15 rating a game.
A couple of the players who won 2/3 rounds picked up 300 odd rating.
Played hard. Felt good. Capped vault. Didnt climb atall. Felt bad.
Lost one round 1-5 lost -49 rating… Felt awful after. Winning 3 rounds effectively and having queued for nearly 1.5hours (30 per round) to have it all undone in one bad game, mainly because the priest and DK went on tilt at each then and got focused each round and lost each game.
All to be in a worse position than when I started playing an hour and half ago.

Total rubbish.


Inflation has been good so far, ladder is pumping, activity is rising.

Whoever still wants to sit on the forums and cry all day instead of quing can continue to do so, as nobody cares about such opinions.

To the guys who want to pump and queue, do it, rating gains are good right now.
To the guys who are stuck at 1.3 after 2000 games, go watch a guide on your spec and stop crying. If you don’t like Shuffle, queue something else. If you “don’t have time to make friends”, go do the campaign in Diablo 4 or something, like it’s pathetic at this point how people are still crying about rating.

The only major thing left to fix is healer imbalance, as it is pretty bad right now.

To whoever still wants to write crybaby posts and spread fake information, remember that someone is out there quing, winning and getting the ranks you want instead of you


The first good thing you’ve ever said

they got more rating because they initial rating was way lower to begin with.

then you have to win more rounds…

so its the others fault right?

you are not entitled to gain rating for just playing. Thats not how ANY competetive pvp game works. You get rewarded for playing good and not for participating. A ranked ladder pvp game does only work if you are able to lose rating.

Idk my man, just played against the same 3 walking dead teams over and over again at 1,9mmr. If at low rating there is no diversity, where is it?

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Not many people are playing WoW at 10am on Christmas Eve, I suppose.

IMO problem is that CR and MMR move in tandem.

  • if you win/lose you get ±N CR and MMR
  • if you draw you get 0 CR and MMR

Solution could be:

  • if you win/lose you get ±N CR and ±M MMR
  • if you draw you get 0 CR and +M MMR (small amount)

In this case:

  • if you win/lose you’ll grow/fall faster with each subsequent game
  • if you draw - your MMR will increase and in the next game you’ll get more/loose less CR

This bating is unreal, just won 2 rounds of 3s on 1800mmr with 9:55min and 7min rounds vs +2.6kxp mglad ppl. Won these after armpits full sweat like the pacific ocean and everyone agreed were done here lol, on the words of our rsham “i just wanted do few games and i get this”

Enjoy the 3k 8x glad rdruid,ele,arms or rdruid,outlaw,destro matchups of these ppl tryharding their lives out at the 1600crs, no one is enjoying the game not even these guys. I mean they lost after tryharding 10min to bunch of duelist max ppl playing wizards from lfg just for few rounds to cap. There is no inflation and game is dead till february is my bet if s4 is on spring. Claim otherwise is bate, anyone who go have a look can see its a ghost town.

How do identify if someone is glad ? I can barely see nameplates when star wars begin…

You can look people from various sites after a match, sometimes I have a look to get the idea of what type of people were facing on that mmr. After one 9:55min and 7min round against sweats on low mmr like 1.8 I dont have much left in tank, I have to sweat too much as caster against something like ele,arms,outlaw and the like. But I build comp that works for it unlike what I would get from shuffles, just make sure the people you invite have atleast duelist from some brachet beside shuffles and a current positive for these low ratings and you are ready to go try your very first 9:55min game against 3kxp 8x glad teams on 1.8kmmr. Im capped, cya next week.

just watch whaaz(outlaw), raiku(frostm), lontar(rdruid) vs demo(darkwingduck),ele(jaime),rdruid 13min game lol, nerf rdruid more everyone is tired play anything over 8min for one game. nobody sound like they are having fun.

shuffle has too many rounds and it divided playerbase, and arena rounds last too long cause rdruid. that pretty much sums it up.

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Do you know how rating inflation works? Was it a big one-time “chunk”? Is it a set amount each week? Or maybe a small amount every day of the week?


People are still not playing, they left after the rumours started circulating early season. They would need to do huge artificial fix on it to even try remedy the mess they made, which they didnt and wont do, my guess is on february-march if season 4 starts “spring” that would be few months before end.

3v3 Que time is now at 3-5 Minutes a round. I know currently only people play who play for fun and people who want rewards are still waiting.

But its really annoying to wait this long for each round of 3v3

6 rounds are now 30 minutes if you are unlucky. Thats like waiting for a solo shuffel

List of things to do better than wow

3:Update your CV
4:Get a girlfriend
5:Play literally anyother game
6:Complain about wow on wow forums

I still play the game and enjoy wow to a degree but im a realist. Its not inflated nor will be till people return and they wont till around march.

Meta with wow is figured out, play the last 2 weeks of season.

Doesn’t matter if it’s pve or pvp.

Blizzard needs to stop messing with mmr early seasons or people leave and they wont come back so easily. Or rework the whole rated system in wow which I dont see them doing regards of cost efficiency. Shorter seasons would be one attempt to fix it with low effort aswell.

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I will ask blizzard for giving me a job, i will recolor pvp rewards for shorter seasons.

And when i’m at home i’ll design an ambulance mount only reserved for top 5% of healer specs (prot too)

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