PVP Reduction

Reduction is too much.

Ele sham do lightning bolt like hits 200 and hp is 4.4k so you can count.

Dmg reduction is ok if that is like 20% but this is way too much.

in STV you cant kill group with heal or maybe you can but you get 400 coins so if you are there with rep or honor just go to AB


i wonder why, with blizzard, its always the non-approach or the sledgehammer approach.

based on the feedback i am seeing on the forums the pvp dmg reduction is 50% or more, which is absurd. even 30% (which i though was the real number at first) would be a tad too much, but 50% or more?

broooo like why… just pop in 20% and see if it needs finetuning, you’re just moving the problem to a few days ahead of us by putting in 50%+ because we all know thats gonna need to be changed, even on paper that just sounds loonybin…

better yet, put that 20% on the pvp gear instead of blanket. 10% from 3 set, 10% more from 5 set.
done deal, lets move on to more pressing matters, but now we gotta fiddle with this stick for the next week or two… ugh.

I hit with my hunter to priest chimera shot 1,4k crit and shaman i crit allmost 700 that make no sens.

And i cant kill wlock with meta becouse they heal more that i do dmg

apparently blizzard forgot to apply the damage reduction to characters under lvl 50… so right now a lvl 49 is twice as strong as a level 50.
hopefully incoming hotfix because YIKES.

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