Now that you’ve seen much more detail about the next major content update – Chains of Domination – we want your questions for the WoW Q&A. Submit your questions here and then join us tomorrow at 20:00 GMT / 21:00 CET for the Q&A at BlizzConline.
What more do you want to know about Chains of Domination?
The aoe cap didn’t solve any kind of class balance issue in the current patch, if anything, it made it worse for m+. It’s also doesn’t improve the gameplay experience at all, its just frustrating not being able to hit every pulled mob with “aoe” abilities. Is there any plan on either changing it or even removing it?
I know this is not exactly for “Chains of Domination” but for WoW BCC.
Is there any hope for introducing “Dual talents” for players that want to play more than 1 spec properly?
Getting into raid and arenas in one day… is either expensive or… annoying, missing out on proper PvP spec. Healers can not farm properly etc.
I know it was this way in BC. But… based on what I saw… you guys actually listened about problems for paladins (SoB vs SoV), Tier releases etc…
This would be probably the last and the best gif that we could receive. Make it cost 1-2k gold as in WotLK, just let us do it!
As someone who isn’t very interested in Classic TBC I was hoping to hear anything from you guys about fresh P1 Classic Server, is there anything you can share about that?
Also, why focus class design within Covenants while the actual classes themselves have underlying issues (such as Hpal IoL not giving fastcasted Holy Light which feels terrible)?
I >Cannot< believe they didn’t say in the Blizzcon stream today.
Please be may 4th… Classic isn’t that interesting for us to keep farming Naxx any longer then that.
Will you guys do something about faction imbalance in the near future, or should i just pay 30$ to be able to que to three times as many groups in the Horde?