Class Tuning Incoming -- 1 March

With scheduled weekly maintenance (early tomorrow, March 1 in this region), we’re making targeted tuning adjustments to several classes.


Death Knight

  • Blood
    • All damaging abilities increased by 3%.


  • Holy
    • Light of Dawn healing increased by 10%
  • Protection
    • Greater Judgment’s bonus to your next Holy Power ability against the afflicted target increased to 40% (was 20%).
    • Hammer of Wrath damage increased by 30%
    • Hammer of the Righteous damage increased by 20%


  • Elemental
    • Lightning Bolt damage increased by 10% for Elemental only. Does not apply to PvP.
    • Lava Burst damage increased by 6% for Elemental only. Does not apply to PvP.
    • Earth Shock damage increased by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
    • Elemental Blast damage increased by 6% for Elemental only. Does not apply to PvP.
    • Icefury damage increased by 80%.
    • Icefury causes Frost Shock to generate 14 Maelstrom (up from 8).
    • Frost Shock damage increased by 15% for Elemental only.
  • Developers’ notes: These changes are aimed at improving Elemental single target damage. We also felt that Icefury should deal more damage so that the spell is not solely focused on the follow-up Frost Shocks.

Player versus Player


  • Gladiator’s Distinction’ Stamina provided by the bonus increased by 40%
  • Developers’ notes: Our goal for PvP pacing is for it to be fast, while leaving time for players to react; we’ve continued to see that overall PvP pacing has been faster than we would like, especially as players have been gaining increased offensive power through tier set acquisition, so we’re adjusting the stamina bonus from Gladiator’s Distinction to help address this.


  • Improved Kill Shot now increases Kill Shot’s critical strike damage by 15% in PvP Combat (was 25%)
  • Marksmanship
    • Razor Fragments increases Kill Shot’s damage by 40% in PvP Combat (was 50%).
    • Arcane Shot damage increased by 45% in PvP Combat (was 30%).
    • Chimaera Shot damage increased by 45% in PvP Combat (was 30%).
  • Developers’ notes: Kill Shot critical strikes have been particularly deadly for Hunters, so we’re reducing the value of Improved Kill Shot. Marksmanship will be receiving several other adjustments to shift more of their damage profile into their base rotation.


  • Brewmaster
    • Incendiary Breath (PvP Talent) now increases the Radius and Damage of Breath of Fire by 30% (was 100%).
  • Developers’ notes: Incendiary Breath’s radius increase has been difficult to read as a player and Brewmaster damage has been higher than we would like.
  • Windwalker
    • Touch of Karma now redirects 105% of absorbed damage in PvP Combat (was 70%).
  • Developers’ notes: Touch of Karma’s redirect damage should be a strong deterrent to targeting a Monk while it’s active, and we feel that it was too weak previously.


  • Assassination
    • Hemotoxin (PvP Talent) healing reduction effect reduced to 30% (was 35%).
  • Developers’ notes: We felt that the Healing reduction effect from Hemotoxic was too strong, especially as it is easy to keep applied.
  • Outlaw
    • Dispatch damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
  • Developers’ notes: Outlaw has been underperforming, so we’re increasing their finisher damage.


  • Enhancement
    • Converging Storms increases Stormstrike damage by 10% per stack in PvP Combat was 25%).
    • Lava Lash damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
    • Stormstrike damage increased by 50% in PvP Combat (was increased by 30%).
    • Windstrike damage increased by 50% in PvP Combat (was increased by 30%).
  • Developers’ notes: We’re looking to increase Enhancement’s consistent damage while reducing its high-end burst potential.


  • Fury
    • Rampage damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Execute damage increased by 10% in PvP combat. Arms and Protection damage unchanged.
  • Developers’ notes: Fury Warriors’ offensive pressure has been notably lower than we would like, so we’re increasing Rampage and Execute damage.

Good changes :+1:

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Ummm… I think you guys forgot to add a zero to that number.

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An increase on the karma absorb amount would be super welcomed too, currently feels like a global or two breaks it, make karma great again. Glad to see some change for it though.

still to high. better 0.3% and maybe even increase Light of Dawn for holy pala for imba 10.1%
damn holy palas would be goldike after this.

btw. release this patch on 1st april

probably a needed change, sometimes games finish in 5 sec because of low hp pool/high burst, albeit a rare occurence it happens.

not so important.

probably it was the weakest defensive alongside Die By the Sword.

marksman changes are also nice, we don’t want them to delete people from 30 yard in 2-3 sec.

this might be more meaningful than it seems for Furry spec considering 40% stamina buff, sustain damage might be more valuable after that rather than 250k burst.

seeing this spec’s name alone is enough for me to shed tears, after 10 years. I was an enhance during tbc…

Seriously? You guys need to reconsider your approach to PvP class balancing.

All I see here is even more damage buffs to dps and no changes to the healer specs. We the healers have everything stacked agains us. Dampening, mana regen nerf in PvP, reliance on casted heals, ect…

A 40% buff to the insignia does nothing.

Ignore the top players for a second and balance the game for the average player because it just is not fun to play as a healer. Period.

The issue is that with dampening I cannot deal with dps that have so many damage modifiers and stackable CDs. This makes a skill that normally hits for peanuts (like 5k) hit for 80k. I am 1 lucky critical strike away from loosing the match completely.

So you have the following solutions, and they have to be drastic:

A) Leave dampening as it is, but remove 200% (twice the damage) critical strike damage and buff baseline abilities damage to make it predictable. I suggest crit damage (and crit healing) because I admit that it would be too difficult to balance all the modifiers/CDs for every spec in the game. Just make crit damage single digits like 150% or 125%. That way, at least i am not 1 lucky crit away from a teammate be 1-shot out of the game.

B) Leave damage as it is but remove dampening. Change it to a mana-regen dampening instead. Healers already have -60% mana regen nerf in PvP, make it go even less than that as time goes by and make it illegal to eat/drink in arenas. If you keep current damage, then in 5 minutes healers will go OOM and match is over. So your vision of fast paced arena matches is still there.

C) Dont do anything but give everyone across the board 300k more life. At least.

Me personally I would scrap dampening. It was put in place years ago for a PvP meta where healers had infinite mana and were tuned for PvE. Also, only very few dps had access to enough CCs to make kill-setups work. Also, classes had way less modifiers and CDs. With less burst damage and more consistent damage, kill setups were hard to pull off. This made the PvP matches last for ever and you had to implement Dampening.

Now, its a totally different game.

Now healers dont have infinite mana and cant heal someone from 0 to 100% in a single instant cast. Now everyone has a CC, or an interrupt. Often more than 1 on a short CD. Now, dps specs have a lot of modifiers to damage, and often, more than one long and short damage CD that stack with each other instead of just 1 big 5min CD.

The time for dampening is over. Remove it.

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For real :rofl::sweat_smile::rofl: my prot pala 371 does almost as the same overall as my BDK 414 :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Yes. It has been an incredibly unfun mechanic for healers that doesn’t make sense anywhere else in the game. We are supposed to run out of mana because we spent it too recklessly, not passively run out of healing because a timer said so.

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Not necessarily my personal wishlist, but glad that class tuning is still ongoing. It is nice to not get stuck miles behind and have the prospect of staying this way for the whole season :smile_cat:

Just stop playing PvP in any Blizzard game. Blizzard can’t do PvP any more unless you’re playing DPS. Not even in their PvP centric game, Overwatch, can they balance healing. Healing/support seems to be designed to enable other people to have fun, not be fun for the one playing the role.

Thank you, but we really need more changes for Holy Paladin, to make this spec feel good. Make changes to our Mastery, IoL and maybe look into spec’s damage output?

no nerfs… just buffs to the best Wizard in game for PvP?

ok… sounds terrible

Where are guardian druid buffs?

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Best in pvp maybe. But worst in pve.

[quote=“Gageris-kazzak, post:15, topic:433834, full:true”]

yet these changes effect both … when it should PVE only

Where are the Arms, Assa and Disc nerfs? Are we even playing the same game? Literally the only 3 specs you see in 3s at higher rating. Such a shame. AWC is gonna be interesting :clown_face:

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:ox: :poop:

Guardian Druids are asking for help in the deep waters. Please, send a life boat.

Didn’t Overwatch e-sports die because of extremely strong healer named Brigitte, presented by Jeff Kaplangodx. A team named Goats played 3 tanks 3 supports comp and dominated a tournament, lol.