Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds


You may have noticed we've been doing some updates to Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest recently. Our goals with these changes are to both improve the gameplay experience in these battlegrounds and to also design them around a longer duration format. We feel that with the longer match length, players have more room to switch strategies in a match, change from offense to defense a few times, etc. to provide a, well, more epic experience.

With that, we're looking to you to give us feedback on these changes.

Here are some of the changes recently (through hotfixes, so they are very recent):

Alterac Valley
  • Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
  • The NPCs health and damage will match the players level and gear, which will result in a more consistent difficulty.

Isle of Conquest
  • Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
  • Increased the health of the walls significantly.
  • Increased the damage the Siege Engine, Demolishers, Glaive Throwers and Keep Cannons deal against players. (The Seige Engine in particular will now be pretty scary!)
  • Increased the siege damage dealt by the Siege Engine and Demolisher. (The Ram ability will deal a lot of damage in particular)
  • The Refinery and the Quarry now generate Reinforcements more frequently.
  • Increased the health of the "bosses".

We welcome your feedback! Please focus your feedback on the gameplay in the map, in particular the pacing, balance of different mechanics etc.

Thank you!
Making vehicles something intimidating that can have strategic value beyond gate damage is a good move. For too long they have been simply a squishy gate opening tool. If anything I thought the brief spell of lethal demolishers was especially interesting in terms of the tactics it bred.

Regarding battleground length I agree they should be more epic in length but would suggest the 100 wins achievements would be better at 50 on longer battlegrounds. Especially while the achievement is not account wide.
100 battleground wins should be decreased to 50.

Thank you blizz for adding the extra 100 resources. this addition makes the epic bg feel more like old school AV.

Following suggestion will trigger the old school AV players.
I would also like to the scraps to be used more. More noticeable feedback from turning them in. in the old days these were important but does not play a big role anymore. Maybe they could increase reinforcements. Make the blood and scraps great again!

Docks are inbalanced. And has been since wrath. Alliance simply has a shorter running distance to the docks and their closest spawn location is closer to it than the hordes. this is known. It's a fact.

my suggestion is to move the docks flag closer to the horde just a bit. Maybe move it out to the wooden deck. With Alliance having a shorter distance to the docks this means that the A strat is simply => capture docks => get glaives => shoot gate from behind the hills and defend flag point. It's easier to defend that attack.

Also Saronite bombs ATM causes 1% gate damage. this means without hangar och docks the team needs to successfully plant and detonate 100 bombs to bring down wall.
Maybe you can consider increasing the bomb damage? Otherwise bombs will be useless which in turn means that hangar is useless since it's used mainly for airdropping.
i actually use epic battlegrounds option to avoid the battlegrounds i hated that was previously blacklisted. i don't do much pvp but i have to a bit for the artifact look stuff. but i really miss the blacklisting option because if i queue for random bg i will end up with those i really hate. because of their mechanics and stuff like that. so i really miss blacklisting for the small bg's. the ones i hate the most are the mines and the temple ones don't remember their proper names.
I really want an epic background to be epic, and it certainly feels good. Leaving Russian pre-made farming groups aside, I do think we eventually need to get a time-cap on something. When I join something, I want to know that I am able to finish it, not invest 70 minutes of my time and noticing it's still going nowhere and I need to leave with no rewards and a de-buff. So there has to be something knowing that If I queue up at 20:00 I'll finish by (2X:00-time) for certain.

Today there was already an IoC match that was going on for over 90 minutes of constant honor kill farming, and going nowhere. Due to the extra reinforcements you put in the game, our side never ran out and it was an constant torment of hell that never ended. Due to the bosses being buffed we could not sneak kill him and end the game, eventually after 2 hours and 600 hk per player or so,(our highest was 2) the russian-pre made called it quits (dinner time or whatever) and killed our boss.

Even those who quit and-re-queued after 15 minutes de-buff just ended up back with us, there was no escape possible. So please consider to do something about that when you put in more reinforcements and npc/boss buffs in the game to make it last longer.
Oh and consider "healer balance" please, the other team had 12 healers... So perhaps implement a similar system as in Dungeon/LFR where X-role gets a small bonus, talking Random BG's here of course. Keeps it fun for everyone...
Roflstomped by Russian honor kills premades, so have amazing game experience.

Seriously, when u fix this? Because all your improvements means nothing when u can't play.
31/07/2018 09:34Posted by Азгардис
Roflstomped by Russian honor kills premades, so have amazing game experience.

Seriously, when u fix this? Because all your improvements means nothing when u can't play.
As much as I enjoy the changes to the actual BGs this is a big deal. Had it 3 times in a row last night and it's very discouraging.
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Thanks for the feedback everyone. Here are some updates:

Alterac Valley

We feel Alterac Valley is in a pretty decent spot. We've seen a dip in Alliance win rates, but want to give them time to re-adjust and strategize after the changes. We'll continue to monitor things and make changes where necessary.

We realize players have a passion for some of Alterac Valley's classic mechanics (Ivus, Lokholar). While we have no immediate changes to announce yet, it’s something we may adjust in the future.

Isle of Conquest

We've identified an issue with the Keep Cannons dealing too much damage to vehicles. We believe this is causing defense to be stronger than intended. We are going to significantly reduce the damage the Keep Cannons deal to vehicles, but still retain their power against players.

Some other additional changes:
  • When a gate is destroyed, that faction will lose 50 Reinforcements. This will give offense an option of destroying more gates if the opposing team is "turtling."
  • The Siege Engine will now be immune to roots and snares.
  • Health of the Glaive Towers and Demolishers moderately increased.
  • Damage and siege damage of the Airship Cannons significantly increased.

We hope to have these changes live soon, and appreciate your continued feedback.

Thank You!
31/07/2018 09:34Posted by Азгардис
Roflstomped by Russian honor kills premades, so have amazing game experience.

Seriously, when u fix this? Because all your improvements means nothing when u can't play.

This really needs to be adressed, being HK farmed by russian pseudo-premades with no intention of ending the game is toxic as hell.

I actually love the new Epic Battlegrounds even though I lose a lot but russian premades just makes me never want to queue for them again.
31/07/2018 11:41Posted by Sunspot
31/07/2018 09:34Posted by Азгардис
Roflstomped by Russian honor kills premades, so have amazing game experience.

Seriously, when u fix this? Because all your improvements means nothing when u can't play.
As much as I enjoy the changes to the actual BGs this is a big deal. Had it 3 times in a row last night and it's very discouraging.

Same here, fought them in AV & then the same group twice in the same IoC :( Was in the game that screenshot was taken in. Have a screenshot from before I left the 1st time, we had only gotten 3 kills in 20 minutes of play!

The other problem this causes is even your same team being toxic towards one another due to frustration.
Loving AV . Having the npcs hitting so hard is awesome. Almost feels like old skool AV. Almost .
I would like to see an option to queue as leader for Epic bgs similar to how you can queue to be leader of a dungeon, a good leader if honestly the difference between winning and losing and can make these larger bgs so much more fun and exciting
Are the gear rewards going to be higher due to the amount of time required to complete, some of my epic battleground s have been over 1 hour and my reward was 14 gold or 175 rated gear.
Last boss in IOC can be one shot by bombs.
31/07/2018 17:42Posted by Saga
31/07/2018 09:34Posted by Азгардис
Roflstomped by Russian honor kills premades, so have amazing game experience.

Seriously, when u fix this? Because all your improvements means nothing when u can't play.

This really needs to be adressed, being HK farmed by russian pseudo-premades with no intention of ending the game is toxic as hell.

I actually love the new Epic Battlegrounds even though I lose a lot but russian premades just makes me never want to queue for them again.

Sending it in game every time I meet premades. Also making the same posts on forum. But Blizzard don't care at all and never give even small feedback.
Losing every game to Russian premades are fun :)
12/08/2018 15:05Posted by Graut
Losing every game to Russian premades are fun :)
Avoid PvP on Sundays. It's when they seem to strike most often.
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Fix premades, that's will fix gameplay at all, not the more health of walls, npcs or such. This also will fix gameplay in normal /non epic/ BGs.

Premades now have such big advantage. I am 285 ilvl and hardly with buffs reach 75K health, while meeting people in premades are 120k+. Current state of PvP is worse than before. Fix premades or bring back stats system or bring back items to be buyed with honor at least with loosing can gear up for loosed time to play versus premade. Current casual state of PvP is terrible.
Demolishers in iscle need hotfix asap, it's stupid that they 2 shoot people, it's stupid to nuke people on towers.
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