The War Within Pre-Expansion Content Update Notes—Now Live!

The War Within Pre-Expansion Content Update Notes—Now Live!

The War Within pre-expansion content update is live!

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Blizzard lets talk about Rogues:

1. Lackluster Talents: The talent trees for Rogues seem to be lacking innovation and synergy. Many of the talents feel either underwhelming or completely out of touch with the current meta. There’s a noticeable absence of impactful choices that make our gameplay feel fresh or exciting. This has led to a rather stale experience, with many of us feeling forced into certain talent paths that don’t necessarily align with our preferred playstyles.

2. Subpar Performance: Compared to other classes, Rogues are falling behind in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Our damage output doesn’t measure up to that of other DPS classes, and our survivability tools are not as effective as they once were. This imbalance makes it challenging to compete, especially in high-end content where performance is crucial.

3. Community Feedback Ignored: There have been numerous discussions and feedback posts from the Rogue community addressing these issues, but it seems like our concerns are not being heard. It’s disheartening to see little to no response from the developers regarding the state of our class.


It would be a big boon for transmog collectors if you allowed class-spesific gear from Legacy dungeons and raids to be warbound. Also, will there be a sorting for Skyriding in the mounts section?


Blizzard, do X because I want it. Also do Y because why not.

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Am I understanding this correctly?
I can no longer have a normal flying mount for short hops AND a skyriding mount for distance at the same time?
I’m locked into a flying ‘stance’?


So I am guessing you are now excluding Slice and Dice from Underhanded Upper Hand (god forbid, its one of the best talents we got) because what, SnD had minimal usage? Then just make it passive for crying out loud! No, instead you’re making it more annoying and forcing us to maintain it every 40ish sec.

Like Rogue has too little buttons to play with. Mandatory, unfun, completely not impactful on gameplay self buff is 2010 Cataclysm level of outdated design. What kind of twisted comedy is this? If not passive then just remove it!

On that note Outlaw has the highest APM of all the classes and we love it so your response to that fact is to make it energy starved? So we can’t do as much and have to arbitrarily wait for the energy bar to fill up? Shamefully painful solution to an imaginary problem.

It takes a real “nerve” to make the Rogue class (all 3 specs!) worse gameplay wise compared to DF with the addition of “Hero” talents, which btw are so visually lackluster and useless that it’s hard to tell you have anything new lmao. You activate an entire Hero talent tree and wont notice any of it visually!
I am not class envy but look at Priest, Paladin, DK or even Evoker. They look so refreshing, having exciting new animations/spells! The Hero Talents quality gap between classes is colossal.

You made entire class an afterthought. This is just the tip of an iceberg but I am exhausted by the feedback being constantly ignored. Rogues representation as a whole class is at the bottom. I guess no one will notice if it gets even worse then, right? It is definitely easier this way rather than making the class fun, fluid and exciting to play, to attract the players and make it more popular. Let’s just burry it.

RIP Rogues.


SnD is why I don’t touch rogue. I liked it being gone but then they just went full dumb and reintroduced it, I haven’t played rogue since it was reintroduced.

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Yep. You will have to switch stance each time you want to use a different flight style and the switch has a a 5 sec cast time.

So for example you will now have to land when Skyriding, cast the 5 sec switch spell, which dismounts you, and then remount with your mount for normal flight, then do it again when you want to switch back to Skyriding.

That is a terrible design.
But on the bright side i’ll be visiting a lot more flightmasters.

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Yep I agree. I found it rather frustrating after a while when testing it on PTR.

  • New Human Racial: No Place Like Home – Your Hearthstone cooldown is reduced by 5 minutes and gains an additional charge.
  • Diplomacy has been removed.

a useful racial gone, replaced with a useless one. couldn’t you come up with a good idea, you had 2 years to think upon it.

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Enhancement (spec only) has like 4 rows of changes, while all others (expect sub rouge, dh and priests, feeling you) have at least 7+. Omegalul…

Thanks for clarification. After 18 years i still dont understand the ratio of such blizz actions. 5 secs!

They are. It says so in the article :smiley:

Developer how are you not ashamed, outside of the nerf to Guardian druid, zero changes. All druid specs are abysmal to play, and you have completely ignored nearly thousand posts of feedback.

That is why people are quitting and why the tank population will plummet, because you only listen to the feedback of the players that are playing the same classes as the development team.


Meanwhile over at GW2. Mounting up is instant and plays a second long animation. Dismounting is instant. And you can instantly mount up again to same or different mount.


Since all rogue specs now have Cut to the chase you will refresh Slice and dice automatically every time you use Dispatch/Eviscerate/Envenom. So the Slice and dice upkeep is a lot better for all specs

Expansion release should’ve been closer to november, so buggy and unfinished the thing is.

and in october we’ll have your post “Expansion release should’ve been closer to april 2025, so buggy and unfinished the thing is”.

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Don’t ever talk to me again.

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