PvP scaling? reintroduced?

I don’t like those huge power gaps in gear but I don’t think there is so many boosters or rating tankers on 1200-1400 as people here think(played 2v2). Yes they are present but to me it felt like most of those 40k hp guys which were really everywhere on low ratings are just people doing primary RBGs, few of them are PvE guys, others have high rat in 3v3 but just started 2v2 or they are already boosted bad players etc. I did not study profile of every enemy with high HP pool, but most of them felt like our skill category just with much better gear. So many of those 40k warriors and WW monks just could not kill me or had very hard times before they killed me. Then I met some 28k wars and monks and they outplayed me and melted me twice as much and fast as those 40k guys. So it felt more like I am stuck mostly on two kinds of people on low rat - undergeared arena gods and overgeared average playes of my skill category. And then few real boosters or high rat+high geared 3v3 players trying 2v2 which really had free wins from us…

WoD scaling was not that bad - from wowhead WoD PvP guide it looks like it worked in every PvP combat including world PvP and it was scaling upwards. So for example you are 200 ilvl 1300 rating conquest gear alt but in BG, arena or PvP combat in world itself it jumps to 220. But in dungeons, raids and world activities outside of being in PvP combat it sits on original 200… Unfortunately I did not play WoD much, was burnt out on WoW during that times

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Depends what class and spec, but currently the ladders are absolutely mental. You have 35-40k health players at like 1k-1.3k that just one shot honor geared players.

they want to make this system, because pve gear is low drop rate, and its hard to get decent gear, what they should do, is fix pve gear, instead of touching pvp gear.

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If PVP gear will scale down in open world or PvE environment, than PvE gear should scale down as well in PvP environment. It’s not the tale where one gets everything, and the other nothing. At least it shouldn’t be. The coin has two sides.

Easy to get high level gear from PvP? Probably it was, if you have done it with the first wave after the launch of Season 1. But try it now… Even ilvl 200 is a crap, already in the 1000-1400 bracket, as full-geared PvE players (and boosters) are storming arenas and battlegrounds to oneshot everyone. And as it’s nearly impossible to reach 1400 (not speaking about higher ratings) because of that, you’re indirectly forced to gear up from PvE, if you want to reach something, as you won’t be able to upgrade your PvP gear.

I know what I’m talking about from personal experience: with my warlock I have started with the first wave, and have 220 ilvl gear on her, while with my paladin I can’t even reach 1400, as I’ve started to play with her nearly a month later.

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gear shouldn’t scale at all, they should just add pve vendors like in cataclysm, or raise droprate in pve, tbh i think raising droprate will lead to more boosting situations, while personal currency like the OG justice points and using valors to upgrade would be exactly like pvp and thats A PERFECT gear system, well aside from the fact that you cannot manipulate stats on the pieces like the reforging system.

does anyone seriously even give 2 sheets about world pvp anymore? most of the people have warmode off (already here the mmorpg sandbox part of the game goes out the window),whole game is instanced, and if you plan on ganking some poor sucker doing a quest or waiting on a rare with warmode on i think you could do it even with scaled gear…world pvp is such an irrelevant part of the game these days, i’d dont mind it being sacrificed for the most pleasant, fair and balanced ranked pvp experience possible

so ur saying that its okay for a pvp player to get destroyed in open world by a pve player, because thats what im pointing out.

i don’t know how to tell you this anymore, but im talking about a system that gives NOTHING and takes away things, there is no benefit to this change, it wont change anything in the pvp ddepartment, it will only make pve players feel better, which is something we can achive in better ways, without taking it out on the pvp community, why should i be worse for them to be better, can’t we give them pve gear ? and witht hem i mean myself included ? i want haste/mastery gear but it will never drop, and we have no vendors, so ofc i have the pvp gear.

so because pvp gear is a GOOD gearing system, we have to nerf it ? can’t we make pve gearing simpler and better ?

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im not saying that its okay, im saying that nobody gives a sh about that part of the game anymore since everything is instanced…noone is world pvping…most of the population has warmode OFF = no world pvp at all…you have all the answers already in this thread to all the questions you asked…and who know maybe they make the scaling good this time so world pvp doesnt suffer

no scaling is better than any scaling, nothing s wrong with the current system, you progress with your character, you get gear, and you become stronger, thats how it is supposed to be, an idea of scaling down gear, or giving baseline stats will most likely backfire big time, just like it ALWAYS did, both with gear, and with baselines stats, and bfa scaling. the only good ideas they ever had was pvp templates, but it was never explored, it was just introduced and left there.

nothing is wrong? did you maybe miss zillions of boosters making the game unplayable under 1800 and from 1800 to 2100 too? game is pay to win booster garbage…scaling will remove that.

nothing will ever remove that, unless blizzard steps in and suspend people, bfa weas the same with corrupted gear and mythic plus, today is was in q for bg, and since q wasn’t coming up i went into skirmish, and ofc i found 3 glads with a terrible to play against comp, 2 of them on theire main, and ofc we lost in 10 seconds

the only thing that made me angry was that they /spit on us which is kind of uncalled for.

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actually pvp scaling will largely remove that…there wont be 1/5th of the demand for boosting to 1800/2100 for the gear upgrades if gear just scales up alot on its own, and you actually have a better chance of frecking the booster up since he wont be 20 ilvls higher than you …it will again be more skill based than gear based - win - win. … and world pvpers will manage, it aint rated, noone streams it, noone watches it…theres actually 0 interest for it.

i just dont understand why are yoz defending the current system where you have to pay for a boost or do rgb’s to be competitve in arena thats palgued with token to win transactions

PVP SCALING as blizzard means it, nerfs gear in open world, raid and dungeons, it doesn’t change anything intot he pvp area, people demanded that the rating would give better reward, and now they have it, im not a rank1 player, and i HATE arena, but i still got where i wanted pretty much and i don’t feel worse in any way than overgeared players, im maybe 7-8 item levels behind, u get 6 item level difference from 1.8 to 2.1 and only ur weapon upgrade from 2.1 to glad

anyone can achieve some of these ratings, if not in arean in rated bg

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Some classes benefit of pvp gear in pve.

Im healing 11’s without any issues in full pvp gear (except trinkets)

Im doing 4 k dps in my pvp gear as ele,that’s 50% more dmg than certain people do in their mythic 15 boosted gear.

they should just buff pve gear, don’t touch pvp gear. thx

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