PVP Survivability

How do you do it? Been playing Ele the past few hours in bgs and i get focues and trained so hard. Most of my cc is insta cleared and i cant shake melee off. Also getting palas and hunters low just to immune its horrible.

I actually hate seeing a ret march towards me i get chunked.

Tips please?

What you can do:

  1. Grounding Totem vs. their HoJ. In general rets will just freedom themselfes and use pony to get to you then stun and burst. Grounding their HoJ saves you a trinket and most rets don’t consider this play.

  2. Constantly slow them and always keep your distance while herassing them with lavabursts. They will have to use freedom which you can purge.

  3. Static Field Totem trap and push them away with totemic projection. A lot of rets don’t even notice that they’re trapped.

  4. Thunderstorm when they approach. Traveling storms is actually a nice talent in BG’s because it allows you so use thunderstorm more often (which is generally strong in BGS’s) and even on teammates. Really good vs. rets because they have no mobility outside of steed.

Basically you want to force the ret to use his one mobility and freedom early and after that you can kite him around. If he bubbles to get to you just run with ghostwolf use astral shift if he’s close and try to use pillar-like things on the map. (if possible)

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