PVP talents in DF

I believe that they should replace Raise Abom, and make it so army turns into Raise Abom in pvp combat.
Blizz could then implement a talent that buffs DS healing, like the one they removed. They could also implement a pvp talent, that increases armor value or gives some parry %, in order to be able to survive melees in pvp as a dk.

P.S. bring back rune strike baseline for all specs.


Honestly giving DKs some parry change will fix nothing. It would be small chance, so you would be pissed it doesnt work when you need it and others would be pissed for proccing the small chance on their go. And you still die in stuns, which is what happens mostly these days. Some form of phys reduction is needed though. The state of being op against casters and useless against phys dmg is just horrible design.


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