Not everything revolves around one shotting someone. Arms damage is oppressive af, they just sit in D-stance 90% of the game dealing as much or more damage than everyone else in the arena.
Yes, their utility needs to be tuned but you can’t honestly believe that their damage doesn’t need some tuning as well.
Well yes… that part is obvious? good job pointing it out. That’s not what I’m talking about here though. I was pointing out that there might be abit of a pattern forming on how they are and when they are changing certain groups of classes/specs. So that might be why Warrior/WW and other classes aren’t covered this week.
thats why subs were the highest since WoD. But keep on with your logic.
there are no better mmos out there. This game is more than 15 years old of course people will leave. Its a miracle how many players are still playing the game.
nerfs are necessary to reach a balanced game. Thats the only reason.
its far from death.
which is basically the point of WoW since forever? lol
sometimes nerfing is necassary. Especially when a single spec is completely dominating the meta by far.
Dont cry Hpala will still be the best healer. if you really quit the game just because your spec isnt a level above anyone else than the problem is you not the balance changes or the game.
its not the worst spec for pvp there are way worse specs.
fire is one of the best if not the best dps spec in the game and frost is also good there isnt really a reason for mages to have 3 strong pvp specs.
Sadly people here are not smart enough to understand basic mathematics.
warrior was nerfed last week thats why there are no changes to them this week.
WW and Ret for example are not really outliners at highrating representation thats why there are no nerfs. Just because some 1500 plebs get oneshotted all the time doesnt mean a spec is super broken.
I agree that Divine Toll RNG should be removed. I think its okay to hit hard but not that hard if lucky. Other than that rets are absolutely fine.
Windwalker dmg is insane but they die really fast. Idk what to do about them.
hpala was dominating in bfa s4 so technically they are dominating wow arena for almost 2 years now.
I know, they will most likely be changed next week. Blizz seem to be changing a spec or specs then leaving it 2 weeks and inbetween changing other ones and leaving them to weeks to collect performance data on the change. Thats my theory anyway.
Resto druid was the worst healer in BfA, I didn’t play Legion or WoD but if you think that rdruid was actually good in BfA then it’s safe to assume that you’re wrong about WoD and Legion too
For sure. I haven’t forgotten about the Ineffable Truth Holy Paladin. But it’s not like R.Druids weren’t S tier. I don’t really think that their domination lasted for the entirety of 2 years, btw (unless I am missing out on something?). But let’s follow your claim by heart. In this case, you’d have 2 years of Holy Paladin being the most prominent healer versus ~4 expansions of Resto Druid domination.
And call me on this if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall seeing Drae anywhere on the forums being bothered by this, at the time.
Uhm, what now? How exactly? ._.
I mean, I suppose you do have your own friends inside the R1 clique who did actually play back then, do you not? Something even safer than assuming stuff without actual proof would be to directly ask them instead, or dig out Twitch vods. Or heck, even look up stuff on Youtube. Lots of Legion memes to be found. Legion’s Assa/Fire RMD still gives me nightmares.
WoD’s final meta was basically 5 comps being S tier. 3 of them contained a Resto Druid, with the 2 most prominent being R.Druid Turbo and RMD. Here’s a sample for you.
rdruids were actually the worst healers in bfa s4(after holypriest ofc) when we talk about 3s. They were dominating from 8.1 and s2 and s3 because of tanky damp meta.
Lol they have like 2 ccs a paralyse that’s 30 second cd and breaks on dmg. Also only lasts like 4 seconds. The aoe stun is strong but avoidable unless they have a DK to do the gripping for them which again that’s a 2 class combo, also long cooldown.
They have strong defensives? Lol really
WW defensive is called kiting and teleporting which takes more skill than using a big barrier or cauterise or iceblock
Also it’s funny you say they have good dmg. Yeah that’s true but balance Druid, elemental shaman, mage, Ret paladin, all these classes can easily one shot. Spriest, arms warrior and Warlock have good pressure as well but 10x more utility and defensives than the monk.
Ok so you nerf monk dmg and then what? Why would you bring a WW over a warrior, Ret, even enhancement shaman if you nerf their damage?