PvP tuning incoming

Shocked to see no devastation nerfs. It is actually bordering comical how OP that spec into melee is.

WW got a slap on the wrist, just make Slicing Winds not able to crit!

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these nerfs do nothing lol

No MW buffs
Are thw fkfkkg inanse what a punch of rets

Terrible tuning. No MM nerfs.

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if you get the same treatment as rdruid in S1 you’ll be waiting a long time until the first small buff arrives

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Where is the usual buff 10% to aimed shot and rapid fire?!


No holy walmartadin buffs Sadeg.

And Aimed shot still goes for 3 million on my DK? What the hell is happening.

if this is the tuning for the next 6 months, this ssn is doomed.

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This literally 1 button spec only receive buffs, and actually was buffed for s2

And who tf asked nerf for fire mage? And buff for prev evoker? Are these changes based on wacraft logs?

Fire did big dmg in bg. Maybe they tune based on bg blitz now… That would explain why they think mw is fine too…
Though mm hunter should of gotten some nerfs too then🤔

Pres received dream breath buff because it’s underpowered
Tbh I’m surprised they didn’t revert previous living flame nerf and buffed damage

Its kinda funny they are buffing retri, or ww. Its not hard to guess what is going to be most played in eu and it sure aint rdruid from gain 5% healing buff. They could give 20% flat healing buff for rdruid and it would still lack cds :joy:

no based on beer pong obviously

the funny thing is, they dont fix the mastery bug instead.

yep :slight_smile:

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The best source of all the good things :joy:

Mastery bug to gain % less healing from hots is as amazing as the bug how people abused crafts to gain free sockets and keep their gems upgrading their crafts on first week. Or the bug that gave people conq cap reset on server transfer so people abused that. But hey its just small indi company things we gotta give them bit of slack :joy_cat:


the conquest bug is crazy, people still keep the gear without a punishment, because its pvp :slight_smile:

imagine it happens in pve :smiley:

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Something they messed up now and the damage is done. It is what it is, hey its just small game :smile:

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My main issue is the absurd health pools with absurd damage which means hybrid healing is completely worthless (not even 10% health per cast) and sustained healing feels weak (when not intentionally overtuned)

The insulting part is that many hybrids OOM after a couple casts
% based self-healing / DR specs are hugely advantaged by this meta

Yay Priest Heal nerfs… again. It is not like the queue times for DPS are high already. Lets get people to play Healer even less.


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You are clueless if you think having 1 healer viable is a good thing for RSS DPS queue

An additional nice nerf would be to make life swap affected by dampening, like Alter Time (reduce health lost and recovered through swapping if someone wonders how that would work)