PvP UI design & addons

Hi, I keep this relatively short. What I would want to see.

Blizzard arena frames:
-DR and interrupt trackers ahould be added to the default frame.

Restrict addon usage to zero while inside arena instance. Make optional Blizzard meter, which tracks performance like dps, heals, interrupts, cc and deathlog.



As long as it’s customizable and able to display everything that addons can, why not?

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Sure, that would be optimal, if it was implemented correctly. The issue is, I don’t trust Blizzard to do it properly and neither should you.

They just keep changing the UI, without giving us options to go back to the old style, which is already a huge red flag. Also just look at how many bugs the default UI was having, after the last patch. I still, to this day, have to use certain addons, to be able to fix bugs within the standard Blizz UI, which have been there since the revamp during DF pre-patch. It took them 5 months to fix an ele shaman bug, which was caused by summoning fire or earth ele and made it so that enemy buffs didn’t display the white, glowing border around them, if they were purgeable, until relog… It’s an absolute mess.

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Interrupts are must have for many casters to deal with meele and DRs for setup based comps. Other than that I’d slow the game down and disable addons like Weak Auras etc.

The only issue is:

Compare the amount of buffs and debuffs in MoP and DF. No wonders people need Big Debuffs or other addons to track certain CDs. It’s insane how many of them are there. Every proc - doesn’t matter if instant or extra damage is there.

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I can see that. That needs a large PvE revamp, so it’s a wish too far away I reckon. I’d love less procs, more simplified CD stacking. Unholy is another monster bringing a lot of cooldowns. I don’t know what they’re using Empower Rune Weapon for currently, feels like bloat. As the poster above said:

However, I think they would manage to bring what I listed on my first post. I really doubt they could mess that up if they give it a moment of thought that is.

I laugh when I hear the narration that in MoP we had ability bloat and everyone had everything. In MoP I only used Interrupt Bar, BidDebuffs and Gladius - nothing else. I was able to track buffs and debuffs without any Weak Auras etc. Now I’m not able to track everybody like that.

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